Stripe Atlas - The best way to start an internet business
Stripe Atlas is a tool to handle everything involved in establishing an internet business, available to entrepreneurs everywhere. It's the easiest way to incorporate in the U.S. and setup a bank account.
The Product Hunt community has special instant access to Stripe Atlas—hit the website link above to get started right away.
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Stripe Atlas was a godsend.
My startup, tonebase, incorporated using Stripe Atlas. It was both easier, faster and MUCH cheaper than using lawyers. Our lawyers were quoting upwards of a few thousand dollars to file the incorporation forms whereas Stripe Atlas was just $500 + some other small fees.
In addition they give you AWS credits and some other perks (that I don't particularly remember). Stripe also provides some really awesome documents courtesy of their legal partner that really walk you through the options you have regarding equity splitting, C-corp benefits, and all sorts of legal items most people are ignorant to.
I HIGHLY recommend Stripe Atlas for any startup, individual or company. Honestly the idea of starting a company is daunting WITHOUT the legal hassle, and Stripe makes it stupid simple.
Easy, fast application (the actual forms, etc.), great communicative team, relatively fast EIN numbers and paperwork/forms, and perhaps best of all $10,000 in AWS credits (which we have yet to scratch the surface of).
If there was ONE negative it would be that Stripe really does ask you to describe your business in detail. When we applied for incorporation our business model was in flux - subscription platform, FFS platform, etc. we weren't really sure. This caused a delay and some small amount of tension BUT it was honestly really helpful for US. My advice if you are in a similar situation would be to just pick a very straightforward, simple business model when you apply and then of course (like any good startup lol) pivot.
The reason they do this is for reporting/tax reasons (or so they say) which seems understandable and reasonable. Overall Stripe Atlas is AMAZING and I would highly highly recommend it.
Pros:Easy Process, Great Communication, Cheap, Great Added Perks (AWS Credits),
Cons:Need a slightly defined business model BEFORE you apply
Summer Bod 2020
Daily Insight
On my behalf of our entire team at Beeem I can only say positive thigs. Support feels like it's always on, you get answers to all of your questions pretty fast even during the process. Everithing was figured out by the time I encountered any challenges, like mailing the company credit card to us (as it by default can not be mailed outside the US).
Pros:Everithing :)
Cons:Maybe consider moving the post incorporation legal package offered by into Atlas itself.
They advertise 1 - 2 weeks In reality it looks like it will be at least 6 weeks if not more.
Pros:Concept is good
Cons:They are a huge pain in the ass