Edwin Arbus

Stripe Checkout - Stripe built Checkout so you don’t have to

Top Product

Stripe Checkout is a prebuilt, hosted payment page optimized for conversion. Whether you offer one-time purchases or subscriptions, use Checkout to easily and securely accept payments online.

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Edwin Arbus
Top Product
You may have heard of Stripe Checkout (or integrated it yourself!). Over the past year, there have been 20+ releases—here are some of the new things you can do: 🏷 Coupons for one-time and recurring payments 🏦 Support for 10 local payment methods like SOFORT, Alipay, or Bacs Direct Debit (with more on the way!) 📱 Apple Pay and Google Pay out of the box 📬 Shipping info with address auto-complete 🛡 3D Secure authentication to meet European regulations 🌐 Support for 25+ languages and 135+ currencies 🎨 Customization with your own logo and brand colors Online commerce is getting more complicated, and we've been making Checkout more powerful to solve for this—you’ll likely increase your revenue and save many engineering hours by using Checkout. Try it out in our new demo: https://checkout.stripe.dev/, and read more in our blog post: https://stripe.com/blog/checkout. We'd love to hear what you think—and how we can make Checkout work for you!
Kevin Castro
@edwinwee You know what would be awesome? To be able to include aditional fields, like Full Name and Tax ID. For example if my customer is a company from Spain, I want to know its name and Tax ID to NOT charge them the VAT taxes. Anyway, I love Stripe ❤️
@edwinwee Order bump, post-purchase upsell ?
@edwinwee Wow... the strenght at Stripe is this ability to present high end tech while keeping design attractive and friendly user for customers. We would love to integrate this kind of solution in our Woocommerce sites. Any plans on a plugin to integrate this checkout page with Worpdress\Woocommerce ?
Gauthier Nadaud
@edwinwee Any idea when VAT auto-validation for B2B invoicing in Europe will be available? Is it on the roadmap?
Scott Mathson
@edwinwee it's been awesome integrating/working with Checkout and the updates you're all pushing to it is amazing. Keep it up!
@edwinwee Love Stripe. Love Stripe Checkout. I've implemented Checkout nearly 2 dozen times over the past few years for myself and various clients. The new Promo Code things is.... 🤤 aw man it's AMAZING! However........... on mobile the implementation is already causing my customers confusion. Almost none of them can find the Promo Code input field. It's hidden up inside the "view details" dropdown. It's really giving me trouble. Is anyone else reporting this? Are there any plans to add the promo code field into the main area? Thanks
Edwin Arbus
Top Product
@mickc79 Whoa! Thanks for using Stripe (over and over again!). On promo codes for mobile: that's a good point. We're iterating on this now and you'll see some improvements soon.
@edwinwee @mickc79 I just checked out the example checkout and experienced the same thing. Thanks for taking this serious, Edwin 🙌
Spencer Smith
I've been using Checkout for a couple months now and I'm super excited you guys finally released the coupons for one-time payments! 🎉 Can't wait to start using it. Nice work!!
David Villalón
@dotspencer Do you know if it has an implementation for paypal?
Piotr Gaczkowski
@dotspencer How can you use coupons for one-time payments? I tried to find this feature, but I think I missed it.
Hussein Yahfoufi
@edwinwee Congrats on the multiple launches. As a user I can definitely see the improvements the team is constantly making. I've used Stripe Checkout on multiple projects in the past and are currently integrating it with my currently startups, Money Minx. Gets better and easier to integrate every time!
Edwin Arbus
Top Product
@husseinyahfoufi Great to hear! Let us know if you run into any questions while integrating it with Money Minx.
Harold M. Padilla
Can this be integrated with Stripe Connect and Billing for the accounts we manage?
Edwin Arbus
Top Product
Can you explain a little bit of the specifics of why this is easier to integrate than just using stripes own famously well designed API? is it just the hosting part /SSH etc? And also what are the security implications do we have to give you the keys to our stripe account since you are hosting it?
@dcsan I can’t speak on behalf of stripe, but as someone who has implemented checkout several times, the benefits for me are 1) you’re getting your payments front end designed and maintained by some of the best UX engineers in the world. As they uncover new findings, you reap the benefits. 2) it’s very easy to implement. You’re 100% correct about their famously simple API; this follows through to the checkout implementation. Simply a handful of lines of code and you’re good to go. 3) it’s totally secure. Once again you have some of the best engineers in the world working on your behalf. 4) all of the use cases are covered out of the box. So you don’t need to write code for every eventuality (expired card, declined card etc) 4) Yes - you need to pass in your keys. I have no issue with this though. It’s easy to do it securely. 5) you can tailor the messages that appear in the screen for the user, you can pass in meta data and get it back via their awesome web hooks, and now you can super easily set up promo codes that are configurable in any way you want via the stripe dashboard. Hope that helps.
Mehdi Izemmour
Love Stripe Checkout. Also love the Shopify Ecosystem. Is there a way to integrate your checkout on Shopify? @edwinwee
Philip Lester
Wow this is perfect timing. We're in need of a payment flow within our product GiveForms. Instead of building one from scratch we can just use this! Will save us so much time. Thank you!
Titus Decali
About time! Been waiting for Stripe to finally do this highly needed product. Cheers!
Fajar Siddiq
Congratulations on the launch! ; ) love the stripe checkout
Julie Chabin
Super interesting! cc @rstankov 😏
Joshua Dance
Oh snap it happened.
Marcelo Blanco
Great Product! Does Stripe accept payments for CBD products already (US)? Or it's something still not allowed? We would love to use it but we haven't been able in the past due to that.
Sujith PS
@edwinwee I Love Stripe Checkout. It's super easy to implement and manage. I am already using Stripe checkout. One question wanted to ask is, looks like with Stripe either we can do postpaid credits with monthly billing or standard monthly SaaS billing with a product plan defined. Also evaluated metered billing but checkout is not available with metered billing. Any suggestion to make postpaid credits with billing which is triggered by credits left and not time-based, with checkout?
Scott Zirkel
@edwinwee We have post sale upsells that are offered and, if taken, would finalize the sale after the fact. If they don't, the original transaction settles after a short period of time. Would be nice to have a flag or option to vault vs capture with this.
Marcos Ortiz
Wow. Incredible launch, @stripe @edwinwee @tatsvc @gerstenzang @joshuaackerman @destroytoday congratulations for this work. Hats off for the design of the page. From the Marketing perspective, it would be awesome to see some testimonials in video form on the page. This will give even more confidence about the brands that are using the product already. For example @johnonolan who has a lot of respect in the devs community mentioned the product on Twitter. So why not chat with him and share the video there? From the devs perspective, this is Stripe at its core: the API is simple and easy to use, so great work there as well. Anyway, congrats for the launch and keep raising the bar.
Congrats! How can user unsubscribe btw?
Spencer Smith
?makers I've been waiting for coupons with one-time payments for some time but was a little disappointed to find out you can't create a 100% discount since it has to be greater than the minimum charge amount. Any plans for allowing this in the future?
Elly Brian Ochieng
I am waiting for support in my country Kenya. Good work guys.
Vasim Memon
Any plans to evolve into a plug-and-play cart plugin like snipcart.com? You're not too far off and this would be a big gamechanger!