Edwin Arbus

Stripe Corporate Card - The corporate card for fast-growing businesses. đź’ł

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Instantly provision cards, manage your company's spending in real-time, get automatic credit increases, and get cash back on the categories where you spent the most. It's the corporate card we wanted for ourselves.

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Ryan Hoover
Last week Stripe launched Stripe Capital to compete with Clearbanc and other alternative lending solutions. Now they're launching a competitor to Brex and other corporate credit card services. When does Stripe introduce savings and checking accounts to become a full-featured bank? 🤔
Barn Sweetman
@rrhoover my bet would be by late 2021 they're a full featured bank
Joe Brown
@rrhoover seriously - no fintech company is safe
Gabriel Appleton
@rrhoover im down to switch my personal checking account to a stripe one for sure
Laurent Pellegrino
It's a shame it is limited to US citizens. The cashback looks great and all associated benefits look incredible. That's another product that makes me regret to not be a US citizen!
Andu Potorac
@ouaibou It would be insane to launch across multiple markets at once Laurent. This is how product gets built.
Edwin Arbus
Top Product
@ouaibou @andupotorac US just to start—we do want to launch in more countries!
Axel Le Pennec
@ouaibou have a look at @spendesk (spendesk.com) in Europe. Poke @romain_dalmasso @rodardant @jgoillot
Jack Smith
@ouaibou I don't see anything about it only being for US citizens. I founded a US company but am not a US citizen.
Tyler Nass
@ouaibou The regulatory hurdles that they had to go through to release this product in the US had to cost 10's if not 100's of millions in the US and an insane and relentless focus on product development. And in Europe it would have been way more regulated and outside of their native market. Just a thought!
Jesper Qvist
Brex is doing incredible offer at this point a stronger solution, but interesting to see they moved into that space, also SVB offer the innovator card.
Jack Smith
@jqvist what about Brex makes it a stronger solution?
Sam Mollaei
"The Stripe Corporate Card is currently a beta program open to US-based companies." This doesn't mean that non-US residents or non-US citizens can't open a Stripe Corporate Code. Non-US foreigners can still form a US business entity, like an LLC, and get an ITIN and still get a Stripe Corporate Card. If you're a non-US resident and you're interested in forming an LLC and getting an ITIN so you will be able to get Stripe and get a Stripe Corporate Card, let me know.
Andrew from Idaho
I'm sure the provisioning and management tools will be handy, and the UX will be excellent like everything Stripe, but you're giving up cashback if you go this route. Capital One's Spark Cash offers unlimited 2% cash back on everything - not just limited categories, and other cards from other issuers offer up to 5% in specific categories. Plenty of reasons to consider this card, but cashback isn't really one of them.
Noah Prail
I love that Stripe is starting to do more business financial services. Their UX and founder friendliness FAR exceed that of any bank I've ever seen.
Henry Nahum
Separate statement for bills or does card balance get auto-deducted from Stripe balance? @edwinwee
Edwin Arbus
Top Product
@henrynahum You pay your bill independently. Most people told us that they'd prefer this credit approach first (it gets a little messy from an accounting perspective: your Stripe balance is revenue, and commingling revenue with expenses would be confusing). We are thinking of ways to make this possible, so stay tuned!
Ross Currie
@henrynahum @edwinwee The fact that I don't have payments being deducted from my Stripe balance is a principle reason I moved one of my online stores from Paypal to Stripe. Receiving a $USD200 payment, having a €49.25 payment come out of the account and then transferring the balance out in $AUD makes for some really difficult accounting.
Kasia Hoffman
Sounds great! Will it be open to the EU/ UK customers? If so, when?
Martin Wong
wantttttt. too bad It's only for the US. boourns.
Alex Panagis
Awesome - another product limited to US citizens. Why don’t they focus their time and energy on adding support for more countries? Not even all the countries in the European Union are supported 🤦‍♂️ and now this...great.
Jack Smith
@alexjpanagis I don't see anything about it only being for US citizens. I founded a US company but am not a US citizen.
Alex Panagis
@_jacksmith yeah well not everybody does that. My company is registered in Cyprus and Stripe doesn't support companies in that country yet. Of course, I could've used Stripe Atlas to combat that problem but I decided against it so that i can register the company with PricewaterhouseCoopers (one of the world's most well-known professional services firms)
Jack Smith
@alexjpanagis ok, well you can use it if you re-incorporate in the usa ever. would be pretty audacious to expect them to have a license for such banking in Cyprus from launch
Alex Panagis
@_jacksmith It's not the card that I'm talking about - it's the payment gateway, which is available in Greece already. I'm just saying that their priority should be focusing on supporting new countries (especially those in the EU)... I don't think it's audacious to expect to be able to use the Stripe payment gateway just because the co. is registered in Cyprus. After all, it is the best payment gateway and I'm being forced to go with alternatives which simply aren't all while Stripe is here launching a corporate card instead of supporting new countries.
Lilia Tovbin
Sounds great, but it would appear you can't apply yet, only to request an invite :-o The free payment processing is nice (worth around $1500) and the partner benefits are great too. Can't wait to get my hands on this one! Hopefully they have nice reporting/tagging like Amex.
Aaron Myers
What kind of credit lines do you offer? We are an apparel company with large monthly spend.
Aydin Mirzaee
Any idea of when this might be available in Canada 🇨🇦??
Registered mailbox and verification logic appear lag logic error
Ross Currie
@edwinwee - We've spoken a few times on reddit (thanks for the shirt!), and some of those conversations were around Chargebacks. Stripe has always stated that chargebacks are up to the bank to decide, not Stripe, and so it's led to a bit of an issue with sellers being left on the hook for fradulent payments, because all the evidence in the world doesn't help you when the bank wants to keep its customers happy. To that end, Stripe has put some great fraud detection tools in place so you can know where you stand BEFORE shipping a product, but I'm curious how this will change when Stripe is both the 'bank' and the payment processor? Presumably this means a seller is more likely to win a dispute?
Edwin Arbus
Top Product
@rossdcurrie Hey! Great to see you again. It's been a little while. :) When it comes to Corporate Card, the bank isn't Stripe itself. Right now we work with an industrial bank called Celtic Bank.
invite requested!
Slade Sundar
The 50k in free processing is great, but does it apply to Shopify payments through stripe?
Pankit Chheda
This is a great product. Looking for something like that from Razorpay in India.
Alfonso C. Betancort
I don’t get it, most if not all corporate cards offer the same services for debit, prepaid and credit cards.
Jayson Maxwell
could not sAY NEVEr tried to do annything like this that is before iwas inyo other dealings iog making money that was simple but if someone could just take a little time for me every couple days and explain how this works and if is worth it i think so io kjust some well quiet a bit of guidannce so u guys in hope all guys and ladies have a great day hope to hear back