Edwin Arbus

Stripe Tax - Automate taxes on your Stripe transactions

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Stripe Tax lets you calculate and collect sales tax, VAT, and GST with one line of code or the click of a button. Know where to register, automatically collect the right amount of tax, and access the reports you need to file returns.

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Shar Darafsheh
Congrats ?makers! We got to test out Stripe Tax on beta, and it was amazing how easy it was to enable automatic sales tax calculation. Also, Stripe Checkout will let you calculate and collect sales taxes based on the customer's location at checkout with no code. This is big news!
Kelly Moriarty
Top Product
@darafshehshar You all are just the greatest :) I cannot recommend working with the Billflow team highly enough!
Dimitris Karavias
But do we still need to file taxes in every country? If so, is Paddle still the better choice?
Kelly Moriarty
Top Product
@dkaravias For now, if you want to automate filing and remittance, you can leverage our partners (TaxJar in the US and Marosa/Taxually in the EU). We fully intend to bring automated filing and remittance to Stripe Tax as soon as we can, though!
Sreekanth PM
@dkaravias @profmoriart I think again lot of vendor management monthly subscription. I was thinking about Paddle VS Stripe. But for bootstrapped business and indiehackers paddle is a no brainer to go forward. Looking for tax filing from stripe with an paddle import.
James Gill
I remember many years ago speaking to Stripe about how hard it was do charge VAT in the right way for customers. At the time, Stripe seemed so focused on other big problems in the payment space to solve – I thought this day would never come! But here it is! So so excited for this – and I never thought I'd say that about anything with the word "tax" in the name 😅
Kelly Moriarty
Top Product
@jamesjgill Welcome to my world ;) Thanks for the kind words!
John Delavera
OK everything seems wonderful and I can see how it can work with USA and other non EU countries. But how can be used within EU? Before the Brexit there was VatMOSS, which was a solution. How can then a US company sell to EU customers and abide with each EU State's directives and laws? Let me know if the question is clear enough. Same question with GDPR that applies to any country that sells to EU customers. The data coming from EU customers must reside in an EU server. How can Stripe deal with this issue?
Edwin Arbus
Top Product
@john_delavera Stripe Tax was built out of our Dublin HQ — EU was top of mind, and it works within the EU. Stripe is GDPR compliant, and we have safe data transfer between Europe and the US (which you can read more about at https://stripe.com/privacy-cente...). You can get in touch with our data protection team too at dpo@stripe.com if you have any other specific questions!
?makers! Finally! Tax compliance was always such a task. Glad that Stripe worked on this customer pain point. It will do away with a lot of paper-work and save time for me. Can't recommend enough :)
Neil Crookes
Is it going to support the EU's new requirements coming in in 3 weeks with regards IOSS?
Kelly Moriarty
Top Product
@neilcrookes We'll support OSS come July 1st for EU and non-EU based users, but won't yet support users that are registered specifically as an importer of record.
Jacobo Vidal
This is life changing! Does it automatically verify if you have a valid EU VAT number to apply reverse charge?
Kelly Moriarty
Top Product
@jacobo_vidal You know it!
Viola Sopanaru
Very useful tool in my work. Thanks!
It's finally here!!! Thank you!
Serge Salager
OMG - we have been waiting for this **quite literally** for years 😍! Don't quite get why this is not No1 hunt of the month. @edwinwee @profmoriart any tips, hints, advice to be short listed for beta? We are already using the Quotes beta in Stripe and gave feedback to the team. Would love to get started and be compliant 🙄 ASAP 🙏🏻
Edwin Arbus
Top Product
@profmoriart @serge_salager We're working our way through the list and adding people! Could you email me and I can check? edwin@stripe.com
Ahmed Khan 🍏
Yay finally, thanks for doing this
jan van iperen
Still, question remains whether you would leave higher percentage at ?makers' table if they act as Merchant of Record and take all the hassle out of it...
Younghwi Cho
OMG this will save my daily operation!!
Manik Uddin
Wow after all finally got it. It was need for me hardly.
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
Kudos to getting this out there ?makers 🥳
Geert Jan Sloos
Will be a time-saver for many businesses
Stefan Smiljkovic
Finally guys! We spent a lot of effort to understand how VAT/TAX work, how to build and apply it ourselves. We ended up building our own way using couple of different services in combination. Lets see if this "one line of code" can really work 🤞
Thorsten Hunsicker
Thanks! FINALLY!
Paul Hopkins
At last!! When are you guys going to do tax submission or have a market place for accountants who support saas providers to be able to submit taxes locally. Love Stripe but really thinking on going to Paddle as they are able to provide this
Game changer