Studio Neat
Tom Gerhardt and Dan Provost are Neat.
Alexandre Vallières-Lagacé
Canopy — Magic Keyboard case and stand for your iPhone & iPad
Niv Dror
Very cool
Jaime Macias
Upvote + purchased.
Jordan Mix
Studio Neat is back at it again! Bringing 100%! @tomgerhardt
bill irwin
This is a real "can't believe this didn't exist" idea, which is how you know it's good - perfect execution too.
Christopher G
@blirwin Actually did exist - the InCase Origami Workstation. I loved it This looks great, too!
Ludo De Angelis
Yup. This is exactly what I needed.
Nice idea but— how do you secure the keyboard? Looking at the pictures the edge oft the keyboard looks precariously close to the edge of the iPad and — fear of scratching! There was the 'Origami' cover by Incase for its predecessor which did the job brilliantly and protected both keyboard and pad. Behold