Hiten Shah

Subcurrent HR - Simple recurring polls on Slack for employee engagement

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Hiten Shah
In my own companies, I've personally made many attempts at gathering feedback from the team. There's this pattern of a high engagement rate in the beginning where I've seen as high as 100% of the team participate, then it tapers down to less then 30%. By polling the team via Slack using a product like Subcurrent, I can imagine that participation rate staying quite a bit higher over time. That would be great!
Bilal Aijazi
@hnshah Thanks for posting Hiten! That's exactly the problem we're trying to solve - making feedback super simple and within the flow of your work so it doesn't feel like an extra task to get done
Kevin Li
@bmjaz this is a really awesome idea and execution, would love to hear the story behind Subcurrent and why focus so much on Slack. Thanks!
Bilal Aijazi
@liveink thanks! We got interested in this space after our experiences at both large companies and small ones, where we thought the team wasn't always on the same page as it scaled. Polls are an easy to way to aggregate feedback, but as @hnshah mentioned above it's hard to get engagement. We wanted to build a product that was within the typical workflow so it doesn't feel like an extra burden. Slack felt to us to be the workflow of the future after using it at our last company and that's why we went with it!
Kevin Li
@bmajz @liveink that makes sense! What about other platforms outside of Slack? Ie. hipchat / telegram etc
Bilal Aijazi
@liveink definitely thinking about them and they would be a logical next step. We do currently work with plain ol' email, you can sign up here: https://www.getsubcurrent.com/no...
This seems similar to http://www.tinyhr.com/ but within Slack. What makes Subcurrent better or different?
Bilal Aijazi
@brentbrookler A few things: (a) Slack! :) In all seriousness, we are multi-platform and can allow mixed teams where different departments might have different primary communication methods. (b) We allow unlimited tagging of users to allow you to get really nice breakdowns and segmentation across large teams. Some of our customers love the granularity of queries like "Managers in the Bay Area Office are happier than managers in the Seattle Office" (c) We have social network-like features that allow coworkers to have anonymized discussions with each other and management instead of simply top-down feedback. (d) Anybody can propose topics for an upcoming poll and have that be the question that's sent out, again enabling feedback from all sections of the organization
Samir Diwan
@brentbrookler Additionally, some feedback we got early on before Slack was that it was too painful to have an entire company sign up for yet another tool. With Slack, one person at the company signs up (should take <3 min), and everyone else gets onboarded without having to learn a new workflow.
Yiğit Konur
Subcurrent seems to be the best HR solution integrated with Slack. I've used this on my team for 2 months and learnt many deep insights about what my team thinks about our company's future. It is must-use for all decision makers. Congratz guys! Do you have any planned features to implement?
Samir Diwan
@yigitkonur Glad to hear you're finding value with our product! Over the short run, we'll be continuously making tweaks to make the experience even better for our users. Over the next couple of months, we're going to be adding some features to our analytics, especially for those power users that really want to geek out on the data. We're also currently experimenting with some features that will help engineering teams get more quantitative feedback on the products they're building (if this intrigues anyone, definitely hit me up!)
Danny Bin
This is great! The integration with slack sealed the deal for us! Great Job!
Kevin Li
@rrhoover I think @bmajz needs a M badge :)
Greg Meyer
Clever idea - @bmajz, is there a way to structure the polls in a standard way like a standup (e.g. what I'm doing, what I did, where I need help) and to capture any @ mentions or # posts as tasks?
Bilal Aijazi
@grmeyer Definitely - our enterprise plan allows for completely custom polls and frequency and all questions have the ability to get qualitative feedback. Let me know if you need help getting that set up!
Samir Diwan
@grmeyer I'm based out of Seattle, and @tamccann of RivalIQ gave us some pretty awesome advice when we were starting out with Subcurrent a few months back. Let me know if you want to grab coffee, would love to chat more about what you're looking for, and incorporate that back into our product if it makes sense.
Bilal Aijazi
FYI: there's a special discount for folks coming in from Product Hunt -- enjoy!