Paul Kemp

Sublime Text 3 - Sophisticated Text Editor For Code


Sublime Text 3 will help you edit your code easily and fast! Get it once and it can be used on all of your computers no matter if they are Mac, Windows or Linux. This development editor tool comes with features, that once you get used to, you will never want to work without.

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tom meagher
Title should be: Sublime Text 3 (OMG UPDATE)
Kevin Xu
Sublime Text 3 just had their first update in 8 months, sidebar icons! Changelog:
Nikita Korotaev
@imkevinxu It's not the final release though, Sublime Text 3 is still in beta
Francis Hinson
I agree that the title should be updated — at the very least to "Sublime Text 3." For all you Sublime Text lovers out there, if you haven't already tried out Spacegray theme, check it out. It's beautiful.
Mark Bao
@fhinson Thanks for this, this theme is gorgeous.
Zack Shapiro
It baffles me that the guy who makes ST3 is so bad at keeping it current. He had such an opportunity when the TextMate guy quit and pushed it open source. And he totally dropped the ball. Luckily Atom came in and made something great. Brackets is a good alternative too. I haven't used it in a while but it used to be pretty clunky
Danny Povolotski
I hope this is the first in the series of regular updates. Atom didn't quite do it for me, and I'm happy Sublime isn't completely abandoned.
Pascal Pixel
@stalkdanny try Atom again! I love it now
Danny Povolotski
@Superpencil_ What changed that made you love it now, as opposed to earlier on?
Pascal Pixel
@stalkdanny before it just crashed all the time and there were no packages yet to install and change the behaviour for me, now there are tons of them and the app if very stable, I really enjoy the Git-changes markings and the theme I use if very clear (Seti) it even has little MAMP logo's for PHP files (which is what Sublime only just added to 3). I have changed the behaviour of closing tags etc to be like coda. And most of all; The Settings view is just so incredibly user-friendly compared to the awkward editing of a JSON file in Sublime to change packages etc, using Coda feels more toy-ish now, and sublime just looks and feels a little rickety. I've been on Atom for 3 months now and very happy!
Danny Povolotski
@Superpencil_ Alright, you convinced me to give it a try? How about performance? Sublime always felt a lot more performant to me (even on my iMac 27" machine)
Pascal Pixel
@stalkdanny Well every package you install lists how much slower booting and opening new tabs is going to get, so you're in full control of that (2011 macbook pro 4-core with 40+ packages is 3 seconds over here to boot, hope that helps). Make sure you get a good theme like Seti or Base16 Ocean
Mike Knoop
@rrhoover I noticed that /r/sublimetext is trending right now on Reddit. Probably not a coincidence, right? :)
Kevin Xu
@mikeknoop great subreddit, just subscribed! found this fantastic alternative icon :)
Jared Scheel
I'm still happy with ST2. It's amazing how great of an editor it was. I guess that's why I'm fine with ST3 taking a long time.
Nate Winn
@jscheel Same here. . . still contently using ST2. What's compelling about 3?
Kevin Xu
@natewinn one of the things that 3 fixed for me was huge CSS files, ST2 would always crash on those
Reuben Pressman
This should definitely say "beta".
Mario Rodriguez
Still my favorite code editor. Super fast and minimalistic.
Sanjay Parekh
Personally I love SublimeText too. I can't believe it took me so long to find it and realize what a difference it makes. That said, it really is disappointing that there isn't more of an urgency on updates and release cycles.
Stan  Williams
I love it!