A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
Sublime Text 3.0 — The long awaited version 3 of the popular code editor

Sublime Text 3.0 brings a refreshed UI theme, new color schemes, and a new icon. Some of the other highlights are big syntax highlighting improvements, touch input support on Windows, Touch Bar support on macOS, and apt/yum/pacman repositories for Linux.


Necessary packages:

• Maybs Quit

• Sidebar Enhancements

• Trailing Spaces

• Sublime Linter

• A dark theme, like Soda Dark

• imo: Vintage (VIM keybindings) with vintage_start_in_command_mode and vintage_use_clipboard set to true


A lot faster than Atom


Vintage mode clipboard interaction

Simon Bromberg
Literally just deleted Sublime Text 2 yesterday because I have been using Atom exclusively for a while. Was wondering when 3 would be released… But based on what I'm seeing here I'm not going to bother.
Alex Kadis

I've used Sublime for years and bought a 3.0 license. I live in this editor and it's some of the best money I've spent in a long time.


Faster than everything else by far. Just easy to use


Not as customizable as Atom in minor ways

Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
That's a surprise: after years in development its finally here. Sublime Text 3.0. The sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. Congrats to the devs who made it happen. As for the new 3.0 features: "Certainly there are big features that 3.0 has: Goto Definition, a new syntax highlighting engine, a new UI, and an expanded API. However the difference is frequently felt in the hundreds of improvements that don't warrant being featured on their own: spell checking works better, automatic indentation does the right thing more often, word wrapping handles source code better, high DPI screens are properly supported, and Goto Anything is smarter. There's too much to list, but combined the difference is night and day."
Love that the new app titlebar blends in with the theme.
I am excited for this release as I still use Sublime for my email building workflows but it feels a little too late to save the slow steady decline of Sublime. I use VS Code and Jetbrains products for all my day to day work now.
Vjatseslav Gedrovits

My favorite text editor outside of IDE and Vim.

Simple, yet powerful and fast.

What else is needed from text editor?


fast, powerful, simple


friendlier module system, better default indention options

Andrejus Zlotnikovas

For simple day-to-day editing I always use Sublime, and since ST2 I never looked back.


By far fastest editor, WBond ( is now part of Sublime team


Updates are like miracle, you have to wait for it.

Vamshi Vangapally

Didn't like the icon and sharp tabs as previous version was good and smooth. ctrl+shift+p menu was much slick and minimal in previous versio


none i could see


Didn't like the icon and sharp tabs as previous version was good and smooth. ctrl+shift+p menu was much slick and minimal in previous versio

Maxim Zubarev
I feel like this happens way too late. Atom has taken advantage from the "downtime" that Sublime had and maybe even exist just because of this. I myself can't see myself switching back from Atom because I can't trust the people behind Sublime to update it frequently, which seems a major quality characteristic nowadays. However, I don't want to badmouth this eventual release, so I will keep an active eye again on Sublime to see how the ecosystem evolves from now on. Kudos!
@mxmzb I feel like developers have a different opinion on that. Over on Hacker News people seem to like SB much more than Atom.
Maxim Zubarev
@mictuc I was talking explicitly about "me". Besides, I am not quite sure how much HN really is representing the group of people called "developers". At least it doesn't seem to represent me, and I consider myself as a developer, too. That's just too generalizing (and generalizing based on pretty much nothing) imho...
Reorx Xiao

Among its siblings like Atom, VS Code, sublime is the fastest and most fluent. But because of the slow update cycle and being a paid software, the community is smaller, therefore extensions are less, but enough to cover everyday usage and most popular languages.




community is not very active

Thorburn Lostor

I was using sublime before atom came in, and after ~ 2 years with atom I can't just go back to sublime again


- Quite fast

- Has a beautiful rendering engine (comparing to Atom) and nice look and feel


- No package manager like apm

- Some packages has very annoying upgrade process

- Keybinding is just overcomplicated

Dre Durr💡
Will this update be the end of Atom... Glad to see more updates Dope 🚬🚬
Stefan Wirth
@dredurr haha you never fail to deliver on that dope 😜
Franco Correa

Now, Atom and VS Code have envolved a lot


Native and faster UI interface


Not many as integrations as competitors

Daveyon Mayne
It's it time to switch from atom?
Ronald Langeveld
@mirmayne @ryan_roberts1 Atom is a bit too bloated in my opinion, it's got awesome features, but it's got too much unnecessary plugins & stuff that comes with by default . When it comes to free options, I was recently introduced to Visual Studio Code. Despite being very anti-Microsoft, VSC performs very well on my Macbook and is very lightweight compared to Atom & most other free editors. But still, nothing beats Sublime Text in terms of performance. I'm a huge fan!
@mirmayne idk do you need to open files longer than 20 lines?
Daveyon Mayne
@superspookyuser More than 20 lines of code? 🤔
@mirmayne haha only a little bit sarcastic, For me as the files get bigger, Atom gets more unresponsive. Sublime opens huge files without stuttering.
Ryan Roberts
@cacarr I have actually switched to VSCode this week and love it.
Sooraj Chandran
Have been waiting for some time for this.
Razvan Gavrilas
love it ;) good work!
Enric Juvé
Leif Abraham
I love Sublime so much