Sean Agazanof

Sunday Morning Hangover Helper Kit — Morning after hangover relief created by a Pharmacist


Most Hangover relievers want you to take them while you are drinking or the night before going to bed. As a Pharmacist many asked me what to use for hangovers. I spent 5 years perfecting a versatile hangover reliever which can be used the night before or the morning after drinking. Interested in a sample? Get one here all I ask for is a review.

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Cassandra Beaulieu
Being able to avoid a hangover is always very exciting. This product was created by a pharmacist and it uses natural ingredients which is great. Do you guys ship worldwide?
Sean Agazanof
@cassandra_beaulieu Great question. Yes we will be, however it generally costs $25 via USPS to do so.
Jeff Osborn
Genius! After the Sunday formula gets traction you can expand into kits for every day of the week. Monday hangovers are another beast entirely.... Kidding! Cool product! will share with my drinking buddies (that is, my buddies who drink)
Md Amirul Islam
What are some ways to make you feel better when you are feeling hangover?
Sean Agazanof
@amirul Hi Amirul. My product takes a 4 prong approach to beating hangovers. The right electrolyte and vitamin balance, an herbal remedy from Asia which boosts your ability to detoxify alcohol and natures remedy for headaches- willow bark extract and caffeine.
Kate Middle
The best remedy to avoid hangover is not to drink.
liana merch
@kate_middle Agree with that. Curious if my favorite Canada Drugs Direct has those kits or something similar for the hangover. Going to give them a call these days and ask, cause i think it is a necessary thing to have at home.