Juan Secchi

Suno is so good it's scary

Hey Product Hunters!

I love making music. I've been playing guitar, singing, and making noise since I was about 12. And Suno? It scares me a little. AI making music in seconds? Amazing, sure. But also... unsettling. Like, what does this mean for me?

But I can't stop using it. It's weird. It's sparked ideas I never would've had on my own and pushed me out of my rut, which is great! Except... I worry.

I've been playing for over 20 years. What about the kids just starting out? Will they still pick up a guitar when they can just type "epic rock ballad" and boom – instant song? Will they miss out on the joy (and the pain!) of learning? Will they ever know the thrill of writing their song?

How do we, as musicians, balance AI's awesomeness with the human stuff – the grit, the passion, the struggle? How do we make sure AI helps us instead of replaces us? And how long until we see the first commercially successful album made entirely by AI? Am I overthinking this? Probably. But I'd love to hear what you think while I tweak a new Electronic Tango Persona in Suno.


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Gabe Perez

It's SOOO good. I love playing around with it and it's actually inspired me to go back and make more music (outside of AI) but man.... I've made some cool Japanese beats and I have sommmme really cool ideas that I can now quickly execute because of it.

Have you played with the voice/record to generate feature? SO GOOD but not perfect....yet.


"It's sparked ideas..." this is the sentence that I think is the most impactful. I mean no offense, I am more of a listener rather than music creator, I don't really understand the struggle & the joy of making music. But what I interpret from your topic is that your worries about AI creating music, maybe deep down we're afraid that we might depend on AI more and more in creating things for us, since it's easy and amazingly fast, which we might lost our touch creating music from scratch without AI's help and because we need much more time when we do. I personally want people around me treat AI only as a companion in everything we do, we depend on AI for its input, so that we can progress faster, but not because we want AI to create the result for us.