This is genius (disclaimer: I'm already a Sunrise fanboy).
As @romaindillet mentions in the TC article, Sunrise is starting with apps from Evernote, GitHub, Songkick, TripIt and Asana.
@jeremylv - what other apps or use cases are you guys planning? Spill the beans! :)
I recently replaced Fantastical on my iPhone with Sunrise. I'm on the bus! Thanks, Ryan.
How about an integration with an app like Slice for package tracking?
There are other to-do apps already included, but Omnifocus integration would also be killer.
I got one: Foursquare's Swarm. Within Sunrise it recommends events and things to do with friends based on where people are at and their day-to-day habits.
@jeremylv The only reason I use Fantastical over Sunrise still is the NLP features that it has. Has your guys' NLP feature gotten better since you first launched? I tried Sunrise back then but abandoned it. Quick entry is what it's all about for me, although maybe I should just use if I want that // @msg
@rrhoover Let us know when the PH API is ready :)
@ZackShapiro Thanks for your feedback, we have plans to improve our NLP eventually, but want to focus on building solid calendar clients first.
@jeremylv Sunrise user here. I really love the app. Office 365 integration would be great! I currently sync Office 365 with iPhone and then use Sunrise. This setup does not work with Android where I use the app Nine to sync Office 365 data.
Also, it would be great to have "I'm running late" feature. I have had the need to use that feature so many times and now :)
Keep up the great work otherwise :)
I miss some of the features that Cue had. It would find Amazon delivery dates & flights automatically. I also loved that it tried to provide me with the phone number for contacts as well.
Any of those features now present in Sunrise?
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