Ashutosh Priyadarshy

Sunsama: Daily Planner for Notion Lovers - Plan calm and focused days. See all your tools in one place.

Sunsama helps you develop a routine that keeps you productive, daily. Integrate with your favorite tools, strike balance, and stop feeling overwhelmed. First two weeks free.

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Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Hey Hunters! We're excited to introduce the best way for Notion users to plan their days with Sunsama's Notion integration. If you live in Notion but feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you've got filed away in there, Sunsama helps you make progress on your Notion tasks, one day at a time. Sunsama is a daily planner that guides you towards being thoughtful, intentional with your time and attention each day. Once a day, Sunsama helps you plan a calm and focused work day. We do this by pulling all your tasks (from all your tools), calendars, and emails into a single unified and reasonable plan for the day. Travis and I spent the better part of the past decade talking with thousands of busy professionals like you about how they navigated calendars, meetings, an ever-growing number of SaaS tools, you ambition, and your desires for fulfillment and balance. In the process, we honed our own intuition, techniques, and philosophies around navigating the work day. Sunsama is the productization of those philosophies and techniques. We never set out to build a productivity tool. We built Sunsama to chanage how we feel as we move through our work days. We wanted to feel calm, focused, and fulfilled. Getting more done is just a nice side effect of working with calm and intention. Here's a quick rundown of what you get with Sunsama: ➡️ Integrate with your favorite tools like Asana, Trello, Github, JIRA, Notion, ClickUp, and Todoist. ➡️ Integrate all your Google and Outlook calendars and and email accounts. ➡️ Eliminate juggling between tools. Get a one-look view of all your tasks for the day. ➡️ Stop feeling overwhelmed and end burnout with our Daily Planning and Shutdown ritual. ➡️ Stay focused on the task at hand with Focus Mode. "H/t to @sunsamaHQ the only task management solution I've found that actually works for me two years and counting 💛" - Anvisha Pai, Founder, Dover (YC S19). If you rely on Notion but feel constantly overwhelmed by all your work, I'd try planning just one day with Sunsama and see if you feel less better. Let me know what you think 👇 Ashutosh, CEO @ Sunsama
Raphael Ueberwasser
love it - been looking for this!