Dalton Edwards

Sunshine - Distraction free social network.


Sunshine is a social networking platform designed to not be distracting. The main feed only shows you 1 status at a time to help you concentrate, and once you interact with a post it is hidden to prevent you from scrolling through recycled content all day.

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Dalton Edwards
A little over a month ago I told my Twitter followers about an idea I had for a new social networking app (https://twitter.com/daltonedward...). I’ve been building It in my free time and it’s called Sunshine. In a digital world ruled by apps that draw us in Sunshine is designed to not be distracting. The main feed only shows 1 status at a time so that you can concentrate on the content in front of you, and once you interact with a status (like or skip it) it’s hidden from your feed so that you aren’t scrolling through recycled content all day. When composing a status you can pick a mood that will show across the site, this is all in an effort to make people more empathetic. If you see that a friend is upset you’re more likely to reach out to them with words of encouragement. Another thing Sunshine does is warn you before sending a potentially mean status update. This is a beta application and not completely done by any means. I’m inviting you to register during the beta and try out this application as it gets built in the open.
Fajar Siddiq
@daltonedwards i started to use this site when twitter was down. Is very simple to use! 😻 congratulations Dalton for making Sunshine the next social network site!
Dalton Edwards
@fajarsiddiq thank you πŸ™
Joshua Tabakhoff
@daltonedwards I’m so happy to see Sunshine on Product Hunt, congrats!! I joined Sunshine when Twitter was down and it was a lot of fun to discover new people :)
Dalton Edwards
@satwaya thank you! 😁
Edison Espinosa
As I'm building a new social network as well. I love seeing other options of social networks! We need this. The time is up for the facebook mafia
Congratulations, great idea.
Dalton Edwards
@kyle_bristow thank you! πŸ₯°
Okii Eli
Dalton Edwards
@nextstevejob thank you! πŸ˜„
Edvins Antonovs
Congrats on the launch! :)
Dalton Edwards
@edvins_antonovs thank you! πŸ₯³
Nic Coates
πŸŽ‰ Huge congrats on the launch @daltonedwards! It's been awesome and fun to watch you build this in the open. I love have simple this is, and really does help with reducing overloading that Twitter, Facebook etc. all have. Looking forward to continue using πŸ”† and seeing you build/grow it! πŸ‘
Dalton Edwards
@gadgick thank you so much! πŸ₯°πŸ”†πŸ₯³
Stefan W
Good luck with that sun shining new product you built :-)
Dalton Edwards
@golangch thank you! πŸ˜ƒ
Congrats on the launch! πŸŽ‰
Dalton Edwards
@kerr thank you! πŸ˜ƒ
Basile Samel
I joined Sunshine a week ago. I like how clutter-free it is! You either write a message or consume, one message at a time. No mindless browsing, you pay attention to what matters. Browsing messages like you would browse Tinder is an interesting UI choice that definitely helps with focus. I recommend!
Dalton Edwards
@bsamel thank you so much! 😁
Congrats man!
Dalton Edwards
@steve15645462 thank you! πŸ˜„
Franco Gilio
This is really interesting! I found it a little hard to find the "register" btn in a desktop, maybe adding labels or giving the "register"a more first class treatment would help
Dalton Edwards
@fgili0 thank you! 😁 I’ll keep that in mind and try to make registration easier to find πŸ˜†
Hasan Diwan
Just started using it and had some thoughts: - Starting out with 0 followers and no status updates makes it a bit of a lonely experience. - Maybe a video on how to use the product? - White-on-light-blue is hard to see