Super excited that we've been hunted! We'll be commenting throughout the day, any questions just let us know :) Would love all your feedback so we can make Sup even better.
@richpleeth@supmenow Sorry but how's this different from "Nearby Friends" in the Facebook app? And what exactly does "Sup" do that makes it "creep-free"? Thank you
@huntergray@supmenow Hi there, you can't see a friends exact location on a map just if they are in your area which can be up to 25minutes away or as little as within 5minutes. It's not directional so you can't actually track friends. We also have a hide button, so you can just tap and take yourself off the radar.
I think this would work best as an invisible app.
If I got a FB Message/SMS/Whatsapp (eventually) when my friend was 5 mins walk away I could message straight away.
I wouldn't need this as a separate app I don't think.
How does this compare to something like Drop Messages ? (which I also think could be better used as an invisible app)
@bentossell Notifications are super important for us so we're working hard on that to ensure they are relevant but we've had some great feedback of users using Sup when they are in new locations to see who's around
@richpleeth yeah I understand that but for me it would be more relevant to have as a message then can message my friends straight from there.
Also how does it compare to Drop Messages?
@bentossell You can message your friends straight from notifications on Sup.
Drop message is really interesting but is rather passive and not constantly on like Sup so you get alerts without checking in or posting an instagram photo.
@bentossell@richpleeth Some features are similar i.e we notify you when a friend is nearby without you having to do anything. We are big believers in allowing you to use the app without using the app or "invisible apps" as you put it.
What would you like to see added to Sup ?
@jcampbell_05@richpleeth well I just think it could run in the background and text me when certain friends are close. You can have the app to set up the preferences e.g. only tell me mark is close on a Friday because I wont get to work the next day etc
I already have too many ways to message my friends. Honestly I don't need another one. So why not take this to where people are already using messaging on a HUGE scale?
Looks a lot like a previous start-up of mine | People really didn't like how we showed ~distance away- People really enjoy their privacy -love how you group them into circles around distance from you. If I may, a feature we placed in Proxy was an ephemeral AIM style status messages to let your friends know what you are doing, when and where. Where we failed I hope you succeed! If you need any advice Email me at - All the best
@williamb3ntley@joinflash I hear you, sometimes mothers (or fathers) for instance would love the opportunity to have lunch, having been invited to a local cafe. so whilst there is a privacy issue, this offers a great get out of the house solution also, for some. And the cafe could offer a special for the small group.
@kevinmineyours ha did you just ask me out on a coffee date through confusing code words? Also @producthunt it is absolutely inexcusable that when someone clicks on a notification about a comment it doesn't take you directly to where that new @ comment sits in the page. -1 ph, -1...
I'm loving this app. @richpleeth recently spoke about it on my podcast. Straight after my chat, I introduced two entrepreneurs from UK and US who only missed each other by 24 hours (despite being 1/2 mile apart visiting Boston a day earlier). This app will help people physically connect more often.
@philipkuklis We use the background location updates in iOS. This technology consumes a low amount of power as our app doesn't need to monitor your location constantly. iOS detects when you've moved a significant distance (via cell towers) and lets the app know. Our current measurements show us using as little as 2% battery (The same as your lock screen or apple mail).
Swarm 2.0? And the creep-free aspect is not being able to have a pin-point location? Because the main creep factor that came into play all the way back to Google Latitude's auto-pings, was the fact that you were informed about someone's location at all.
@cyhwuhx Latitude's creep factor was that you could pinpoint anyone anywhere in the world. With Sup you can see if someone is in your area but not their exact location or direction. Have a play and let us know what you think.
@richpleeth That's now how I experienced it back then (or now with Swarm). Being to see where anyone is, is fine. That was the entire point. The creep-factor with Google Latitude that made most of my inner circle drop out were the notifications of someone being near by. (Another problem was that Latitude had 'American' notions of what was deemed near by, causing puzzled looks in the Netherlands.)
I know Swarm is being used in this way, the check-in gamification stuff is not nearly as important as just being able to see if someone is at an event, location or other gathering site. (The gamification thing even became bothersome and caused me to eventually quit it.)
In short, the creep factor experienced within my network was being forcefully reminded that someone was near, which felt like being a stalker. Searching someone on your own accord was experienced as something completely different; more akin to making a phone call to see if someone was near by.
Might give it a spin later on, but based on my own experiences I am mainly curious how you concluded the pinpointing was the creep factor among your target audience.
@cyhwuhx@richpleeth Hey Vincent, the creep factor with Latitude or with any other map based system is that someone can directly see where people are, who they are with and make some pretty significant assumptions. Who stayed with who last night, why were you there then etc. Not only this but I could, sitting in London, see what people in NYC where up to. To us, this is super stalker level :)
I do take your point about notifications. Notifications are super interesting because if done correctly they can be very powerful. If done badly then it's #delete. We've got a long way to go to get notifications smarter (for example, I don't want to know when my neighbour comes home every night).
Do take it for a spin and let us know what you think!
Thanks Vincent,
@kevinmineyours within 25minutes walking to within 5 minutes walking. :) We used to have it in metres and yards but user feedback made us clear this up.
As one of those strange awkward folks who like people but also like space - I very much appreciate the "invisible" feature. Also, measuring distance in time, A+.
It's been a pleasure watching this product evolve over the past few months. If anyone's in ny, toss me a sup and let's hang out!
@gabriel_whaley Awesome, Gabriel - thanks so much!
Hide Me can turn it in to a pretty interesting 'avoid my friends' too.
P.S. 'to toss a sup'... I like that.
@kevinmineyours hey man, it's always long days with our startup :) But we have a great time. We have got some really valuable feedback which has been great. Time to open our next funding round.
@kevinmineyours 12 hours ago, we were handing out flyers in East London. Now I'm in the office replying to amazing feedback. Been an exhausting but incredible day.
I really do appreciate your support. Thanks Kevin.
I'm amazed by how well the PH community seem to have taken to the product. The competitive part of me is disappointed we're not at the top, but the rational part is very content :)
@richpleeth If each user could collect 3 favourite meet-up locations (when they become visible) could this be a way of building revenue ? The suggested site could then be approached to be a permanent fixture for a small fee ?
@kevinmineyours That's an interesting idea. We're talking to a couple of ibeacon companies who want to integrate with us which I think could be exciting.
@guerranatasha We used to use 2000metres to 20metres but now we have switched to walking time as it was easier for users to understand. Thanks for checking it out, glad you like the design
@guerranatasha@richpleeth It's really interesting because we can only be as accurate as Apple location will let us. So it ends up being a trade off between battery and accuracy.
For example, in our office, the location api thinks we're 2000m east of where on wifi. We could use super accurate navigation but the problem is that our batteries would go boom boom.
So as Rich says, we've moved it to walking location (25mins to 5mins) for the reason that you say, I live 10 mins away from x rather than 1400m.
We've also got some really interesting experiements in the pipeline for location :D
Congrats Rich team on the public launch of Sup 3.0 :-)
Good idea to include the Android/Google Play logo and capture emails, but you should clarify that it's "coming soon" before the user clicks.
Can you share any magical moments that happened thanks to Sup?
@ediggs Thanks Eze! Great feedback we will take that on-board.
One magical moment for me is that I actually met a friend of Rich's at an event, ended playing a good game of table football and made a friend.
Liking the simplicity and the "sup" factor - I think its a low threshold way to reach out to people around you without potentially interrupting them - or their anniversary dinner :)
You are following in the footsteps of more than a few companies that have tried to crack the nut. Design wise this does seem pretty slick.
I guess the area approach makes sense if they are arranging their own meetings and means you could broaden who you would "sup" since you're not giving away too much of your location.
Has their been push back on the creep factor - I guess it stems from 4sq or other kinda apps that show more. I also think the research supports that females (males too) prefer a broader indicator of where they are rather than a specific location.
Good job! Keep up the hustle :)
discl: worked on an app that connected people via linkedin and gps for professional meetings.
@ourmaninto Thanks for the feedback Peter. Really interesting stuff. This is exactly why I love the PH community!
We're very focused on creating a product that users feel comfortable with using. We seem to be striking a good balance of enough discretion to avoid the creepiness, with enough hyperlocal information to facilitate meet-ups #IRL. Serendipitous moments are happening as a result of Sup, which is exactly what we want to see.
How do you feel about the 'creep factor' in relation to Sup?
re discl: nice! This is very interesting.
@ourmaninto Thanks so much Peter. We're working hard to try and address a lot of this whilst keeping the tracking factor out. Would love to chat more about your linkedin GPS experience. R
@sarperdag Thanks Sarp!
We've had a few people question whether or not the creep factor is still there. Hopefully, we've answered them. But I'd love to turn the question to you and ask whether you see us as creep-free and why :)
Hugely grateful. Danny.
@orliesaurus Ah but your friends won't. If they are more than 2000 meters away you won't know where they are.
And if they are less than 2000 meters then you will know their distance from you but we randomise their location in the app so you won't know if they are north, west east or south unless they share their location.
Of course we also allow you to hide, so nobody knows where you are :)
@orliesaurus@jcampbell_05 As James says, users can never pin point you exact location just that you are in your area. We also have a hide feature that you can tap and disappear off the radar.
@jcampbell_05 Just poking around. I think there isn't anything to improve per se. Some people will find this ok but some will never find any sort of location sharing ok.
@felipecn Swarm is more of a social hyper local game. It's geared towards winning points, unlocking achievements and gaining stickers. Our philosophy is to become a "Tool for discovery".Although right now we only allow you to discover who's nearby, talk to people and also to get notifications when a friend enters your area; We have big plans for the future to expand on this. We believe this adds a lot more value to your life than gamification.
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