Ant Wilson

Supabase - The Postgres developer platform is now generally available

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After a 4 year beta period, Supabase is now Generally Available. Whether youโ€™re an indie hacker or a Fortune 500 company, Supabase now scales to any workload, and more than a third of the current YC are building with Supabase.

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Ant Wilson
Top Product
During the first year of Supabase we set ourselves a goal: build a managed service capable of running 1 million databases, securely, and with minimal downtime. After a couple of years we were happy that weโ€™d successfully built out infrastructure and a team capable of achieving that goal. We slowly started to phase out the โ€œbetaโ€ messaging and set ourselves a more ambitious goal. We dreamed of building the backend for every application on the web. This required us to expand on the tooling we'd built around Postgres offering into products like Auth, Realtime, Vector and more. The promise of Supabase today is that you can spin up a complete backend in a weekend and scale it up to millions of users, all without leaving the Supabase dashboard. Supabase is, and always will be, free to start and fully open source. We have an extensive collection of client side libraries and SDKs for every developer ecosystem. Regardless of whether you're building for web, mobile, or data science you'll find that Supabase is a quick and painless way to store and access your data. Come and get involved in the community today!
Thor Schaeff
@antwilson I vividly remember meeting @copple and yourself for the first time and telling y'all that this was a terrible idea with all that SQL ๐Ÿ˜… It took me a while to understand the mission, and now, after four years of contributing to Supabase, I've learned so much about Postgres and SQL and I'm very grateful that you didn't listen to me and instead doubled down on making Postgres accessible to everyone. If you also believe in Supabase, we welcome you as a contributor as part of our amazing community, which is also the best way to get the foot in the door if you're interested in a career at Supabase ๐Ÿ‘‰
Tyler Shukert
@schaeff_t I love hearing the story of how you found out about Supabase by bumping into the guys at a cafe in Singapore. One day, that cafe is going to be a tourist spot for sure ๐Ÿš€
@schaeff_t @dshukertjr This is the first time i'm hearing this story. Very cool.
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@deshraj_singh thanks for the kind words Deshraj!
@antwilson @copple @schaeff_t So nice to hear stories like this!
Stojan Dimitrovski
๐Ÿ’ก Bright idea
If you're not building apps with Supabase -- what are you doing? If not using Supabase you are most likely: - Wasting time and money on building "backends." - Creating an Auth system -- again -- from scratch. - Using a database that promises "scale" but doesn't deliver, asks for a ton of money and makes your developers feel sick. So, in the end, just use Supabase -- and it really is just Postgres.
Chris Gwilliams
๐Ÿ˜น LOL
@stndim @kangmingtay I switched to Supabase because my developers kept getting sick. Since we switched we have had zero issues and it has been 34 days since I was covered in vomit.
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@stndim @kangmingtay amen to that
Mustafa S.
Congrats on the launch, and a huge shoutout to Supabase team! You are one of the biggest enablers in tech industry. Hope you keep it up and continue improving the platform without adding complexity. Live long and prosper Supabase and do not leave us as your predecessors - btw anyone who remembers Parse?
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@milkers Parse was a big inspiration for us! Amazing tool.
Mustafa S.
@antwilson the biggest problem with that and alike was the vendor lock-in issue. Supabase seems more promising on that front plus it is advocating for being 'open source', those are great traits. We, indie hackers, need reasonably priced and reliable backend services that we can build upon. So that we stay alive without being sucked into the infamous Bermuda Triangle; aws-gcs-azr.
Tyler Shukert
Supabase is the best backend for any kind of app whether it's web apps or mobile apps. Postgres is a very powerful database, and Supabase makes it so easy to get started with Postgres.
Thor Schaeff
@dshukertjr love all the flutter, mobile, and AI content you're creating! An absolute treat for the community ๐Ÿ’š
Musharof Chowdhury
Supabase is our default choice when it comes PostgreSQL hosting, congrats on the launch! ๐Ÿš€ Will create tutorial on - using Supabase Postgres with SaaSBold soon :)
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@musharofchy that would be incredible!
Kang Ming Tay
are the memes GA too?
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@kangmingtay memes have been GA since inception...
@kangmingtay Waiting to be elected as CMO (Chief Meme Officer)
Jon Meyers
Have been waiting for this for a very long time! Supabase is now officially GA! I can finally use it at work! ๐Ÿ˜ Postgres is so incredibly powerful and Supabase makes it so much more accessible! ๐Ÿ˜
Thor Schaeff
@jon_meyers I know, right. Feels so good to be able to officially use it ๐Ÿ™Œ
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@jon_meyers It's been a long road!
Steven Tey
So excited for Supabase to finally go GA โ€“ you guys have been killing it for years and the success of this launch is testament to the community you've built up along the way. Congrats team ๐Ÿš€
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@steventey Thanks Steven! We're big fans of your work also!
Inian Parameshwaran
This has been 3 years in the making. Supabase is the most reliable, secure and scalable platform to host your Postgres database.
Tyler Shukert
@everconfusedguy Managing storage objects through Postgres is such a brilliant idea! It made things so much easier for mobile app developers like myself!
Starting using Supabase in 2021 and have been running all my side projects on Supabase ever since. I've said it before and will say it many more times. Basing it on Postgres was one of the smartest decisions ever. It's a true superpower
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@kevcodez haha can confirm Kevin was a super early adopter!
Hannes Wideteg
At our startup Asekio we first spent 6 months crafting our own back-end. When we heard of Supabase, we thought we would give it a spin to see if it was REALLY as good as people said. During a weekend hackathon we completely replaced approx 6 months of work, using Supabase, which is incredible impressive. I repeat - we set up an entire back-end with full features, with Supabase, for our niched product in less than a weekend, which would normally take us 6 months or so. We still use Supabase and write approximately 70% less code then we would have with any other Database setup. We have very few backend endpoints, most of it is Supabase. We looked at alternatives, like Firebase and others, but considering we we are building a website builder - speed is essential, but so is also avoiding vendor lock-in. Since time was crucial for us, we wouldn't have had the time in man-hours to set up the infrastructure for something like this up ourselves, and every hour we can spend on building product rather than infrastructure is an hour well spent from our point of view. Supabase is really the best of both worlds here, considering it's OSS but you're also just minutes from starting to build product rather than messing about in VPSes and Kubernetes clusters. It's simply "Postgres" which means we're capable of spinning up our own servers and easily connecting using widely available postgresql connectors from our own services. There's very few things that Supabase "lacks" in general terms for a "back-end" (it's not "Just" a Database, it's much more) even for our complex needs, but for those things we can just write the code ourselves in our own back-end and integrate directly with postgres or Supabase APIs. I could go on for hours, but I guess I'll have to write a longer article about how we engineered our stack sometime in the future!
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@_carlhannes >During a weekend hackathon we completely replaced approx 6 months of work woww that's crazy! Thanks for the write up, this is all awesome to hear!
Hannes Wideteg
@antwilson Thanks Ant! Yep Supabase is unique in comparison to it's competitors because of that, I don't believe it would be technically possible with any other "developer platform", considering the odd technicalities we need, like async database updates from the admin client to make it work "offline" to rendering servers with sub 100ms response time, with auth and everything. :) I'll make sure to write an article about this, we're equally impressed with Supabase being our "secret sauce" as we are proud of what we achieved in such a short timeframe.
Nikola Balic
I have been abusing Supabase's free plan for some time, and it has performed admirably. If only I had the time to put something into production. It's a never-ending struggle. Congrats on the launch and the slickest UI/UX, which also served as inspiration for Daytona enterprise dashboard.
Nikola Balic
@kevcodez If only I could integrate it with my
Ant Wilson
Top Product
Supabase is bae. <3 (and RIP to the braves #indiehackers that planned their launch today, you'll be remembered.)
@majorbaguette Since mistyping Supabase as Supabae once I have a hard time not using that name
@kevcodez Oh god fucking genius! I'll steal that name.
Micha Cassola
Wow an open source backend for any app. Sounds reall good! Did you every consider MariaDB as a second offering to your open source tool? Wish you all the best for you launch!
Inian Parameshwaran
@michacassola We are really doubling down on the Postgres ecosystem. Most of the tooling and extensions we build are Postgres specific and porting those over to a different database would be a significant effort and not in our roadmap.
Micha Cassola
@everconfusedguy Thank you fer that great answer! Of course it is better to make more decisions and give less options when building something great.
Joshen Lim
Each time Supabase does their announcements it keeps getting better, and this one puts the cherry on top (so far at least ๐Ÿ˜›) Has been a great experience for those not familiar with SQL, not just in building but also learning the ropes. Am here for the ride to see how far it goes ๐Ÿคฉ
Ant Wilson
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@joshenjlek many more cherrys to come, don't worry!
Monica Khoury
Here's to many more milestones! ๐Ÿ‘
Ant Wilson
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@monicakhprivate definitely!
We migrated over 125,000 users from Auth0 to Supabase ~2 years ago and were able to reduce our auth costs by >99% and it has been smooth sailing so far!
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@kevcodez love this story - do you have the link to the writeup handy?
Kamil Ogรณrek
To the next 4 years!
Ant Wilson
Top Product
@kamilogorek huzzah!
Salar Davari
Just checked it out. Looks promising.
@salar__davari yes me too! It's changed a lot since I last tried it
Sandra Djajic
All the hard work pays off, I can clearly see it. Setting the right goals, and working hard on achieving them results in a great products like this one! This is very practical how scalable the product is. Congratulations on the launch, and the best of luck today! ๐Ÿš€