Akshay Bharwani

SUPERHOT - Where time moves only when you move


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The Red Panda Can
I played an early version of this some time ago, and it was awesome. Great concept, great execution. Sad it's not available for Mac or PS4
Luis da Silva
@redpandacan maybe not PS4, but I can see that's available for Mac, so :thumbsup: ! At least on steam :)
Michiel de Graaf
@redpandacan Can confirm the Mac version, played it today :)
Ryan Hoover
I've been looking forward to this release. Reminds me of Mirror's Edge mixed with F.E.A.R.
Akshay Bharwani
This looks hot!
Sebastian Blaga
Loved the browser-beta. Price is kind of a turn off
Daniel Fitzpatrick
@sebitska Agreed on the price. Apparently the story line is about 2 hours :/. We're probably just cheap
Reinald Freling
@sebitska @madeyoutalk $20 isn't all that expensive. The replay value is huge for this game. I'd say that the solo campaign is a bonus and that the real value is competing for best time/score against other players.
Seb Jachec
@rfreling @sebitska @madeyoutalk Really great replay value. I certainly have one friend who completed the story in 2 hours, and has put another 14 in since on challenges, endless mode and secret-hunting.