Jirka Třečák

Supernova V7 - Turn Adobe XD into production-ready code. Automagically.

Supernova takes designs from widely used tools like Sketch and Adobe XD, enhances them using animations, navigation and a wide range of other prototyping tools and turns them into real, production-ready code for iOS, Android, React and Flutter.

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Jirka Třečák
Hello Hunters and Huntresses! I am Jiri, CEO of Supernova, the platform for designers and developers to work together faster and more efficiently by making the code hand-off a thing of the past. Supernova allows you to take designs and convert them into (real, and usable) production code for iOS, Android, React Native and Flutter. After thousands of requests from our amazing community about supporting more tools than just Sketch, we've gone back to the drawing board and generalized our technology so it can be eventually used to support any design tool out there. Today, we are releasing the first fruit of this effort -  full support of Adobe XD. It is now possible to import the entirety of design elements within XD while obtaining pixel-perfect code representation within seconds. Simply pick a file and drop it into Supernova. And since we know just how much XD users love animation and prototyping capabilities offered, we have also significantly improved our own animation editor, adding support for keyframes, animation speed, reworked the entire interface based on the best practices and added many more time-saving improvements. And as with every feature we make, everything you can visually do inside Supernova is always translated to production code. We have also significantly improved the interface of Supernova in an ongoing effort to make using it as simple as possible - you'll now find less visual clutter and unified menus with quick access to all the tools you need across the board. We hope you like the direction we are taking and to give you a bit of sneak peek to what is coming next, I'll just drop one word here: Reusability. If you wish to know more about V7, head over to our blog where you'll find some nice details including videos: https://medium.com/@appsupernova... Thank you for your unending support, our community is growing rapidly and it is what drives us forward to achieve the dream of the world where designers and developers live in harmony, effortlessly. Have an amazing day and AMA!
Andy Dent
I'm a huge fan of the product and the team. I used Supernova as the anchor for a recent conference talk on modern code-generation tools that let you go from visual animation design to usable native code. See all the samples and slide decks at https://github.com/AndyDentFree/... including a short movie of the v7 new animation interface. I couldn't have animation in my own app without Supernova. You can see another little sample at https://github.com/AndyDentFree/...
Edison Espinosa
remember when it was in beta, love seeing it come this far Jiri!
Jirka Třečák
@edisonjoao6871 Thank you, we have sure done an impressive progress, thanks to the amazing team we now have. But it is just a beginning - we are now ramping up the development significantly and there are some huge announcements coming your way in the next months :) I personally can't wait
Huge fan of this team and this product. Been keeping my eye on this one for a while. A tremendous effort from everyone to pull this off. XD is a mainstream workflow and having a product I can create experiences for clients and prep for dev is an automatic win. Looking forward to more from this team!!
Rashid Aziz
This is awesome! Unclear if this is Mac only, or also works on Windows?
Andy Dent
@rashidaziz It's a Mac-only product at present. As a solo founder on a tight budget and thus very old machines I can testify it works great on low-end hardware. My "design desktop" is a mid-2011 iMac with 16GB RAM and SSD boot - Supernova flies there. The only thing faster than the code is the team churning out new features (only slightly kidding).
Kavindu Madushanjm
great video.
Jirka Třečák
@kavindu_madushanjm Thank you, glad you like it!
Brandon Clark
could've definately used this months ago haha. Great work
Rahul Singh
Just used the product, Amazing ! Saved lot of time. Cheers to @jirka_trecak & team #GreatProduct
Silen Naihin
Seems like a super cool concept! Since you released it for Adobe XD, which is available on both Mac and PC, I think the next logical step is to release it on pc. I would definitely be a user :)
Gilbert Umeh
When is Supernova coming to Figma
@gilbertumeh it's definitely a priority on our roadmap. Get more details and real-time updates in our Slack community: https://supernova-community.now.sh/
Alex Oden
Great work! It will be very nice if You will make some online version that people from other devices can use it to see the code. Almost all developers from my team are using a Linux system and We still can't use this wounderfull product =(
Bhushan Jain
it is working in windows ?
Noe Lynn
@bhushan_jain We're Mac only at the moment :) Get more updates in our Slack community: https://supernova-community.now.sh/