
Castro 2 - The ideal app for today's broad-minded podcast enthusiast


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Popular podcast app Castro gets a complete makeover with version 2. Two years in the making, it introduces the concept of triage - as the site states: "Triage allows you to scan new episodes and decide whether you’re interested or not." Nice!
Bojan Spaic
Fantastic app, and has some useful inovative features not found in any other podcast client, that help you triage new episodes and stay on top of the ones you really want to listen to, no matter the number of subscriptions. What I would like to see is an iPad app, trim silence and smart speed (this is becoming the standard for good reason), artwork on the play screen and some tweaks that I wrote the developers about. Even if you aren't into podcasts that much, the design is splendid as with all Supertop apps.
James Wahba
@bojanspaic which other Podcast apps have smart speed? I currently use Overcast but i'm still looking for alternatives. Thanks!
Bojan Spaic
@jameswahba PocketCasts was updated recently with a new interface, smart speed and trim silence (much smarter options than mere speed adjustments, and would fit perfectly with Castro 2 method of playing podcasts). Nice design on the iPhone, the iPad app looks like an afterthought.
Austin Sandmeyer
This looks amazing! I love podcasts but I hate getting one hour in and feel like this was a waste of time. I'm a big fan of a good preview and being able to tell if it's worth the time! Awesome job @padraig & @prendio2! 😊🙌
Oisín Prendiville
Thanks guys, delighted for our app to be featured on Product Hunt 😄 We've a short trailer at that might be a good intro to the app for anyone who hasn't tried it out yet.
James Koole
Quite a change from Castro 1, but I'm enjoying it. I've tried a few other podcast apps over the last couple years and always come back to Castro. Takes a bit to get used to the UI with a lot of swipes and almost hidden functionality, but it's a solid update. I wish they would bring back the patronage model too. Even at $6.99 in Canada, I feel like I'm stealing this app that I use for hours and hours each week.
Launching soon!
The "triage" concept makes a lot of sense for podcasts - very nice work.
Marius Masalar
Looks wonderful—I much prefer this triage concept to the endless playlists of the competition. Unfortunately, I can't go back to listening without some form of "smart speed" silence trimming, so I'll be sticking to PocketCasts/Overcast for the time being.
Greg Gilbert
I haven't tried the new Castro yet, but I've been a huge fan of the first version. Congrats on the launch! :)
Andrew Spear
After using this for half a day I'm totally sold 🙌 The inbox/triage concept is clever and soon feels natural. The ability to have new episodes automatically skip the inbox and be directly queued or archived is a brilliant semi-hidden feature. Easily worth the price if you're a regular podcast listener. 👍👍
Yeah, this rules. It makes selecting specific podcast episodes REALLY easy. I miss the Castro 1 icon, which I think was one of the best iOS icons ever, but C2 is super polished too.
It's a great app for heavy podcast consumers. Most apps get confusing and bloated when you listen to lots of different shows. Castro doesn't. Its also really great to listen to single episodes of podcasts you are not sure you want to subscribe to.
Ananggadipa Raswanto
Looks great, love to see the desktop version that sync automatically.
Really pretty UI & UX - hope apple acquires you, because I'm not adding more undelete-able iOS apps to my "obsolete" folder...
Andrew Spear
The original Castro was just what I needed in a Podcast app, I still use it daily. This new version has a different workflow but willing to give it a shot, it could be everything I never knew I always wanted... yes that was a Hitch quote 🤔
Keith Barney
Very cool app! Particularly interested as I'm working on a Podcast app atm as well. A bit of feedback: Slow down the intro video on the home page. I was very overwhelmed watching it. Felt like I was watching in fast-forward and I really didn't retain that much. Good luck!
Steve Feinstein™☃
@keithbarney This is such good advise. I think developers see the video so many time while creating it they take it for granted. The most important thing I think any app can do it let me play and reset to defaults. When I know I can go back and start over there's no penalty for trying things. Nothing frustrates me more than an on boarding process that can't be repeated.
Gareth K Thomas
Looks interesting. One issue I always have with podcasts is the ability to easily play them via my Sonos speakers. Any thoughts on this?