Andrew Brother

Mondrian Art Generator - Create your own art with amazing speed and flexibility

Hi Makers!🎨 .
I made open-source generator .
There's an endless number of options.
- Thousands of beautiful color schemes.
- Custom background color of the picture.
- Any size of the picture.
- Static or dynamic mode.
- Jitter effect.

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Sasha Briu
I adore Mondrian ) and now i will be to create something similar! Amazing!
Andrew Brother
@tasha_dziatkovskaya Thanks Tasha). Great! Wait...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Jack Cohen
Generative art done well. Nice work @andrewbrother4. The interface is super clean and nicely designed. I personally found disabling the animations best while exploring. I'll keep this in mind for next time I need to De Stijl some modern art into a project πŸ˜‰. I look forward to seeing more generative art projects from you.
Andrew Brother
@jackcohen Thanks! Of course I will continue my art indie projects. Every time it will improve and improve the quality of work. Coming soon to work in 3d.πŸ—οΈ
Carlo Thissen
Your website is addictive - just had to force myself to stop laying around with your editor. Super well designed! Created my first artworks and love the experience :)
Andrew Brother
@carlo_thissen Thanks! I like minimalistic style.Subscribe on the main page and there will be new projects soon πŸ˜‰
Limited Timing
Very cool! Thanks for sharing!
Andrew Brother
@gcucci Thanks!
Andrew Tsao
Amazing! I've put this in my bookmarks folder for "Kickass websites I never knew I needed." Love the idea. I love that you include so much save as and export as capabilities, you truly thought it all. Great job in building and launching this!
Andrew Brother
@andrew_tsao Thanks Andrew!
Wow! This is pretty great
George Kollias
Very cool, reminded me of the Jackson Pollock canvas where I wasted many hours in the past.
Andrew Brother
@gkollias Thx, Also interesting
Santiago Gonzalez
Very nice. Generative art is sort of calming, like throwing stones in a pond.
Andrew Brother
@santiago_gonzalez1 Right ☺️
Carmen Isabel
Really love the design 😍
Michael Silber
All the right settings to quickly tweak and generate new art. I also like that they show an array of artwork, instead of making it focus on one painting at a time. Just the right amount of clicking and exploration.
Andrew Brother
@product_at_producthunt πŸ– Yeah, I like an array of artwork ;)
Congrats for the launch! Good for art lovers.
Elliott Detjen
Definitely sending this to my old high school art history teacher!