Ben Levy

Sweep - Sports gaming bot making it ☔ Amazon gift cards


Sweep has built a bot to help you pick sports games and get Amazon Gift Cards when you hit 4 wins in a row. No app to download, you can play via chat in Facebook Messenger. The team has experience from FanDuel and is a part of WeWork’s Area 51 (W18).

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Ben Levy
Hey Product Hunters! Happy March Madness Week - the best week of the year, for us 🏀 fans. I don't know about you, but we’re hoping our Sun Devils make a run at the Final Four. I’ve been running fantasy and gaming pools since the 4th grade schoolyard. My Co-Founder, Ryan, is a former D1 athlete and self-taught coder. We’ve combined our love of sports and tech and are excited to launch what we’ve been building for the past 6 months! Sweep is a sports gaming bot focused on making it quick and easy to have fun while watching March Madness (and more sports) - while also rewarding fans with Amazon gift cards. We're building this because as sports fans, we never felt like we’ve truly found a product that allowed us to have fun while watching games in a fun, casual, and legal way. We took elements from what we love about HQ (Free game --> Real Prizes) and Poncho (Personality-Driven Bot), to build Sweep. Our vision is to give people a playable way to get back to the ♥️ of the game. We'll be here all day answering questions from the community. Give it a try and provide us some feedback - specifically around the way we offer games to be selected, as we’re trying a custom approach with dynamic images populating based on the pull requests. We’re all ears and want to improve the product as much as possible. P.S. We're giving everyone who checks us out from Product Hunt three lifelines to start, so it’ll be a bit easier to complete your first Sweep 😉 Cheers! 👋 Ben
Rotem Yakir
@benmlevy Great job! working perfectly.
Ben Levy
@rotemthegolfer Haha love the Guggy gif!!! We need to get you guys integrated into our product everywhere :)
Davis Baer
@benmlevy Nice work Ben and Ryan! Love the fact that there is no app - I think there is a lot of app fatigue nowadays. How does one check to see how many lifelines they have?
Ben Levy
@daviswbaer Hey Davis, we're working through how to show that more effectively - we'd love any ideas you have! Right now, we're giving you the chance to see your Sweepcoins and the exchange rate (30 sweepcoins = 1 lifeline) What do you think of that approach? Was that not intuitively clear?
Ben Levy
@filipe_moreira Hat tip to you man, you crushed it with the brand designs!!!
Tiffany Wood
Being Ben’s girlfriend definitely has its supporting a Product Hunt launch at midnight on a school night. But, hey, I’m the resident GIF expert for Sweep. Check out the product and let me know what you think of my GIF selections!
Ben Levy
@sundevilt9 I can attest that she's a great girlfriend for supporting the launch. Gif skills are top notch too 👏
Jake Mor
I love everything about this. Are you planning on adding any other sports in the future? Big UFC fan!
Ben Levy
@jakemor Hey Jake! Thanks for the comment. We're definitely planning on adding more sports in the future. We're starting with the NHL, NCAAB, and NBA primarily because they have the steadiest set of games right now. We'll definitely look at UFC and other offerings, but you'll definitely see us offer more sports soon :)
Daniel Greenberg
@jakemor legend spotted in the comments... wish it was still around loved that site
Ben Levy
@jakemor @15greenberg The HQuack legend!
Zachary Shakked

I was surprised at how much this product retained me. It takes the fun parts of sports betting and removes all the risk/downside of actual gambling. It kind of has that HQ-esque feel where you just spend a couple minutes a day playing and you can win money (without putting anything in).

I've recommended it to a lot of my friends. Also, I found it to be a really interesting use case for chat bots.


I've literally won $25 on it just by predicting a couple games correctly. It makes watching my terrible Knicks a lot more exciting.


Really can't think of any, just want more sports!

John Sherwin
Congrats on the launch guys, I've enjoyed playing around with the beta so far! Can you share a bit about how you plan to monetize this?
Ben Levy
@j_sherz Thanks for the question! Right now, we're primarily building Sweep to learn about what consumers want in a sports game. Our longer term goal is to start creating in-app virtual goods (think more mobile games than your traditional fantasy sports games) + look at opportunities if/when sports betting becomes legalized in the US. Thanks for asking - and pumped that you're enjoying Sweep!!
Mark J. Burns
Congrats on the launch, Ben and Ryan. Cool to see Sweep out in the wild.
Ben Levy
@markjburns88 Thanks! We're pumped to finally show the world and the PH community, specifically, what we've been working on
Zac Martin
Two great guys, one excellent product. Congrats on the launch! Can't wait to make my picks for March Madness. Roll Tide!
Ben Levy
@zac_martin It's crazy that Alabama made the tourney 😜😜 But really appreciate you trying Sweep!!
Lauren Pelaia
Congrats on the launch guys! Have loved using this product over the past couple weeks (the Amazon gift cards aren't bad either 😏). Can't wait to experience March Madness through Sweep!
Ben Levy
@lpelaia1 i hope you got some great stuff with those Amazon gift cards!
Zac Martin

Super great and easy to use product! It is completely free, and 1 minute of your time can earn you some serious Amazon cash! The beta product was great and I am looking forward to all of the improvements that these guys have made.


Easy to use platform, free, prizes(!), sports


It is through Facebook Messenger and I don't log on everyday

Mike Feldman
Congrats on the launch Ben! It really is an awesome product. Extremely popular amongst my friends and I at Michigan and friends of mine at other schools. The new update looks fresh! Love the Sweepcoins idea!
Ben Levy
@mike_feldman2 Thanks, Mike! Really pumped that Sweep is popular at Michigan. We even included the Michigan game in the slate to appease the Blue & Gold crowd. Go get in there and collect those coins!
Mike Baumwoll
Love the product. It’s easy, quick and I can win free cash for picking sports winners. Are there any plans to make it social? I’d love to plan against my friends. Good luck today!
Ben Levy
@baumwoll Hey Mike, Thanks for the note! Our next big focus is making it more social (maybe a Product Hunt 2.0 launch?) Our current plans are to integrate the ability to see how your friends are doing, challenge them, and use in-app virtual goods (think bombs to blow up their streaks). Having played a bit, are there any features that you'd be most excited about? Thanks!! Ben
Pat Walls
Congrats on the launch! I've been using Sweep for the past few weeks and it is really awesome. Can't wait for March Madness 😜
Ben Levy
@thepatwalls Thanks, Pat!! Huge fan of the @starter_story - glad you've enjoyed Sweep thus far
Logan Bernard
Can't wait to use Sweep during March Madness!
Ben Levy
@_hoodsy Thanks, @_hoodsy!!!
Austin Hahn
I played Sweep for the first time and won! Got my Amazon gift card right away. I’m not a gambler but this is a fun way for me to watch games on the weekend and win prizes at the same time.
Ben Levy
@austinhahn Thanks for playing Sweep, Austin! I hope you got something great with that Amazon gift card!!!
Ben Levy
@damjanski Thanks!!
Cam Burley
Nice -- like how you guys figured out how to do this without winning cash
Ben Levy
@codecamcode Thanks - appreciate you checking us out!! Now go rack up those Amazon gift cards haha
Alessio Fanelli
Congrats on launching this! It'd be super exciting to work with your data to see what teams are public favorites and if you could have guessed line movements based on that.
Ben Levy
@fanahova Thanks! I see you're an esports guy - where do you look for those types of lines now? I think once we have a big enough userbase we should be able to predict line movement. The core question will be are free users indicative of real-money gamers?
Alessio Fanelli
@benmlevy I don't gamble on eSports but I know William Hill has lines for a lot of events. I also read /r/sportsbook and they have a daily eSports thread on there. I think a lot of money gamers are just people following the teams they like (as a Giants fan I bet against the Eagles in any way I could at the last SB 😂); the sharks won't be using this app anyway since they are too busy studying games haha
Ben Levy
@fanahova For sure - I definitely agree with you. Sweep is 100% more of a product for the casual gamer than the shark
Christopher Eriksen
Awesome product. Easy and fun!
Ben Levy
@christophereriksen Thanks!! Glad you're enjoying it
Darshan Gajara
It seems like a nice idea and fairly simple product. Kudos!
Ben Levy
@weirdowizard Thanks - our goal is to keep things as simple as possible...
Afanasiy Savvin
Hey! Great idea! But plz add soccer :)
Ben Levy
@afanasiy It's coming!!!