Thomas Schranz โ›„๏ธ

Swelly 5.0 - Answer questions & earn crypto

Swelly has the worlds opinions in your pocket. It rewards you for sharing your opinion with crypto currencies๐Ÿค‘.

It's fun A/B voting (๐Ÿ• or ๐Ÿ”) makes it easy to express yourself, get answers and make new connections ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿพโ€๐ŸŽค๐Ÿฆน๐Ÿปโ€.

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Aaron O'Leary
What's new since 4.0?
Peter Buchroithner
Hey @aaronoleary, 4.0 was the launch of our latest chatbot within Facebook Messenger and other chat applications. For 5.0 we teamed up with the crypto currency Kin (by kik) and built a new app experience for iOS and Android. Within this app you can now earn crypto currency for engaging with questions.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@peterbuch Congrats on the 5.0 launch! So... a couple questions: - what's the future of Swelly on Messenger? - can non-Kik users earn/spend Kin on Swelly? - do Swelly users understand what cryptocurrency is? Do they need to? - you said "there's something fundamentally wrong with social media"... can you define what that is?
Peter Buchroithner
@chrismessina thank you Chris. I must say, I got really excited reading your questions. Let me give you some answers: - the future of Swelly on Messenger is exactly what we initially built Swelly for. Back to the roots so to speak: 1. a user acquisition channel and 2. a great way to re-engage users. There will be a bigger update before the end of the year as well, to make that broadcasting/update experience better for our users. - anyone can earn and spend Kin on Swelly, by updating to the latest app version on iOS/Android we create a Kin wallet for you. You can than open the Kin marketplace within the Swelly App and start earning and spending Kin. - My favorite question :) The fast majority of Swelly users probably won't understand or more importantly care about what crypto currencies are. We think though, we can educate our user base in a playful way and teach them about how to use Kin and what to get out of it instead of talking about Crypto or Blockchain. Our vision here is building a new wave of influencers who don't have to talk to brands or agents to make a living off of social media. - the question about what's fundamentally wrong with social media I will answer in a dedicated blog post on Thursday, I will mention you on medium and twitter when sharing it.
Matt Gardner
@aaronoleary @peterbuch I've been using Kinit previously. One thing I don't understand here is the questions don't line up with the audience. I'm a 29 year old man with an interest in Crypto and yet I get paid for my input on things like "which outfit is cuter" and "what looks better". Definitely questions more suited for teenage girls. Is this not an issue for whoever is buying this info? Is there no way to tailor questions per demographic? Or are the type of people into crypto now just not who you're targeting now that it's not Kinit?
Peter Buchroithner
@aaronoleary @thatmattgardner hey Matt, great to hear that you've been using our Swelly experience on Kinit. You have a point there. Targeting is one of the most important things in research/advertising and so it is for our partner brands. However, within the Kinit app, a lot of the content you see is user generated and our community doesn't always target questions, some are simply meant for the community to see, or for people who are interested in a category e.g. fashion.
Thomas Schranz โ›„๏ธ
Great to see a rebound from the crypto hype. With Swelly and October (also on PH today) there are finally actual consumer platforms with usage and engaged communities.
Peter Buchroithner
Hey Product Hunt, I'm one of the founders of Swelly, a social network that is all about sharing opinions. Over the last years we had millions of teens using our Swelly App and chatbot and realized that there's something fundamentally wrong with social media. We believe that community is the most important element of any social network and therefor every active member should be fairly rewarded for their contribution. We teamed up with the crypto currency Kin and launched the first peer-to-peer Kin experience on iOS and Android. By signing up for Swelly we automatically create a Kin wallet for you and allow you to earn and spend crypto currencies within the Swelly community. Read more on medium: Get the App here:
Adam Cochran
I'm a fan of Swelly's new approach. Here we've got a real consumer platform with tens of millions of users adopting and providing a real use case for crypto. Better yet, these consumers are real mainstream users being introduced to crypto for the first time. I think Swelly also made a great choice by not launching their own cryptocurrency, like so many have, and instead adopting Kin a cryptocurrency made for micro-rewards in multiple apps. Now, as a marketer, I have to say that the millennial demographic is one of the hardest to reach for both ads and opinion polls, but Swelly makes it seamless and allows you to create organic content to reach them. A win-win. Great work Swelly team!
Peter Buchroithner
Hey @adamscochran First of all, thank you for the kind words. We've put a lot of time and effort into Swelly 5.0 and we are beyond excited to have found a strong partner in Kin. Please note though, this is just the start. We found, that a simple A/B photo voting is a great way to engage a young demographic quickly. On top of that we are now building a new social network. Stay tuned. With regards to our own currency: It was a tough thought process around launching our own currency versus working with Kin. However, we realized, that our strength lies in consumer engagement and this is what we wanted to focus on. Therefore Kin is the perfect partner for us that allows us to focus on what we are best at, everything else just works!

Another major milestone in crypto mass adoption and a cost effective market research/ marketing tool for savvy companies


A fast cheap way to gain opinions and earn/ spend crypto- whatโ€™s not to like?


iโ€™d like the option to filter Swellls so i can respond only to those offering $kin for my opinion

Dillon (Sideclick)

You will be surprised how strong your opinions are on the things teenagers care about most.


Get less biased opinions from strangers

Powerful marketing tool

Almost like playing a game (tap, swipe, micro rewards)


Current version is a bit slow on Android

Kin economy needs to be fleshed out to really incentivize influencer participation

0 P
This is a potential game changer. Allowing you to earn and spend KIN cryptocurrency. Pretty cool little app.
Peter Buchroithner
thank you @fcukoff, it's just the beginning.

overall a great app for monetizing content creators or a source of information for brands/marketing campaigns;

also having great fun voting and interacting with people from all over the world (maybe add dm functions?)


earn for your voice/opinion

perfect for brands/market research;

gather more information about specific groups of people (teenagers e.g.)


a little buggy for now

filters needed (if boys not interested in girly stuff to vote for :D)

Spectrum Auto Sales
excellent way to get people involved in a product and now it will give money "kin" which is digital money, to people for doing what they already do for free for every other platform ie youtube facebook etc, this is going to be huge, so if you have not already earned some kin "digital money" download swelly and get paid for what you do free
Peter Buchroithner
thank you @spectrum_auto_sales, we agree please let me know, if you have ideas or feedback on how to further improve our product!
Peter Buchroithner
here's what our partners at Kin have to say about us.
Eva Reder
Congrats on the launch! I always loved the swelly chatbot but a dedicated app for superfans is for sure a great decision. Not a crypto expert so maybe that's a stupid question but what was the reasoning behind partnering with Kin vs creating your own coin?
Peter Buchroithner
@e_reder thanks Eva, I'm glad you like it. We chose to partner with Kin vs launching our own coin because we want to work with our community and the end user as much as we Kin. With Kin we found a great partner who takes care of the rest. We believe almost all the crypto-projects out there are from nerds for nerds, we try to create something from nerds for the mainstream in generation z.

Pretty cool app


New app that allows you to vote on pictures.


Still a little laggy

Eric Martin
It's addicting. I like seeing what other people think of different images and questions right after I vote with the percentage that each image scored.
Alex Chernikov
Wow! Curious if it can now be my part-time job ๐Ÿ˜‰
Peter Buchroithner
@alex_chernikov well, well, well, give it a try!
Vic Koch
@peterbuch great work bro! Lovely release
Peter Buchroithner
@victorkoch thanks Vic!!! glad you like it.

Super fun, great point system integrated with a system of other apps.


paid for opinions


little buggy still

Ryan Begley
Killer product!
Eben Akwuruoha
Oh wow! Sounds like fun. congrats guys on the launch
kurt braget
What is behind the choice is Kin? The currency has nearly tanked to the lowest level in history and it seems like even the creators have given up on it. Thanks for the answer!
Michael Davies
How do I withdraw kin or can I only use it on swelly