Liam Segura - Guess the Taylor Swift song from the lyrics


Every day, everyone guesses the same 3 song lyrics (like Wordle) as fast as you can. Share your results to compare speeds. Track your statistics and view past games. Unlock album-inspired themes by playing more. You can also practice lyrics by album.

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Liam Segura
Hey Swifties! 
 Every day, everyone gets the same 3 lyrics and you have to guess the songs (like wordle)

You have to try to guess as fast as you can You can share your results to see who got the daily lyrics the fastest Your statistics are tracked so you can see your past games

 The more games you play you unlock themes inspired by Taylors albums 

 Also you can practice lyrics by album 

 I spent a very long time building this and would love everyone’s feedback and please share your results! 

 What features would you like me to add? 

 Thanks so much!

I love this game! Been wanting a game like this that’s not just a standard quiz so this is perfect! Love the practice feature, i definitely need to brush up on my lyrics so will be playing this a lot!
Liam Segura
@monica19 Thank you!