Harry Raymond

Swig - Instagram for Drinkers


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Tori Bunte
Shindig looks like it has a lot of potential. I like that it integrates beer, wine, spirits and cocktails. I understand why users need to follow three profiles before they can actually get into the app, but I'd love to see suggested users based on location, particularly since I don't have any friends on Shindig yet.
Harry Raymond
@stttories Really good suggestion Tori. Recommendations of local taste experts is on our short-term road map.
Harry Raymond
@stttories Did you find the requirement to follow three users frustrating? Similar to Twitter, we see better retention when new users follow community members but wondering if you think it's annoying.
Harry Raymond
Hey Hey- I'm Harry, the co-founder of Swig. Check out our new iPhone app and let us know what you think.
Super sick @harryraymond ..... you made it to product hunt !! Nice. Hope all is well with you!
Harry Raymond
@johnhaden Thanks John. Happy exploring!
Willie Litvack
Huge fan of the Shindig team and their product ... awesome to see them on PH today.
Harry Raymond
@WillieLit Thanks Willie!
Kevin Davis
Looks fun - good video How did you get your initial list of beers/wines/spirits? The guy running http://mixologytech.com seems to be selling a DB of ingredients
Harry Raymond
@kgdavis We will definitely reach out to them! There are some great databases for beer (@BreweryDB) and wine (@VinTank, Wine.com) but a good spirits / cocktails database has been hard to come by. We started with 0 spirits and our early adopters have added 5000 so far.
Harry Raymond
@kgdavis And for menu data, we have been using the Locu API. https://dev.locu.com/
Desi Saran
I love this app!
Harry Raymond
@desisaran Thanks Desi! Means a lot coming from Lean team who must see plenty of startups.
Nick Manning
For anyone curious, we will be moving from heroku + rails + mongodb + redis to sinatra + @Neo4j (a graph database) + custom vps quite soon for speedier everything + awesome drink recommendations!
Harry Raymond
In the spirt (drink puns!) of community, my personal phone number is built into the app. If you ever have any booze-infused ideas or feedback, don't hesitate to call. I promise my girlfriend doesn't mind.
Claudina Sarahe
Great app, killer team.
Joe Masilotti
A familiar "following" model, hand-selected pictures for popular hashtags, and a relevant loading image; Shindig's got them all!
Harry Raymond
@joemasilotti Thanks Joe! Love what you're building at BeerMenus. Any plans for an API soon?
Joe Masilotti
@harryraymond Thanks! No immediate plans, but if you'd like to be notified when our API is ready for beta testers sign up here: https://www.beermenus.com/api
Tom Maxwell
Sounds a lot similar to Untappd -- have you seen that before? https://untappd.com/
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
They've just rebranded as Swig.
Harry Raymond
@chrismessina Thanks for updating Chris. Pointless trademark battles will drive anyone to drink.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@harryraymond ugh, bummer!