Simona Vojtěšková

Sygic Maps - The world's first online maps designed for travelers

Sygic Maps displays places of interest directly on the map. Thanks to its integrated itinerary maker, you can build a day-by-day trip plan or just save interesting places for later. The website also features a travel guide for more than 10,000 destinations, photo galleries, 360° videos, hotel search, recommended tours and web route planner.

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Simona Vojtěšková
Hi Product Hunters! Let me introduce you a brand new travel website - Sygic Maps ( We have turned the original travel planner Sygic Travel ( into Sygic Maps and as the name suggests, the planner is now built around the map. Unlike other online maps, Sygic Maps displays places of interest directly on the map, making trip planning and navigation easier than ever. Thanks to its integrated itinerary maker, you can build a day-by-day trip plan or just save interesting places for later. Planned trips and favorite places can be synced directly with the Sygic Travel app. The website also features a handy travel guide for more than 10,000 destinations, photo galleries, 360° videos, hotel search, recommended tours and tickets and web route planner - an essential feature that allows users to plan and share their route comfortably on a computer and then send it to their Sygic GPS Navigation App for mobile. Feel free to ask us anything! We also appreciate any feedback or suggestions.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I used Google My Maps for this for my recent trip to London, but I like the focus here. Reminds me RoadTripper.
Looks great! The domain + subdomain seems kind of impossible to remember though.
Bram Taylor
Awesome! Can't wait to use this on my next trip.
Hannah Konitshek
Love the idea. Quick question though - you can create a "list" in Google Maps and then share it with people. Why not just create a traveler centric map that someone can just add on to their existing Google Maps app? I did this in Japan so that I could easily see the 20 - 30 places I wanted to visit, and it was integrated directly with transit and whatnot. Here is my public map for Tokyo for anyone interested:
Barbora Nevosadova
@hannahkonnn We enable sharing your trip itinerary with other travellers at the moment. Sharing a list on a map sounds also interesting.
Jonathan Richman
First? What about my company Roadtrippers (
Barbora Nevosadova
@jonmrich I believe Roadtrippers are more of an travel planner as we were with Tripomatic/Sygic Travel. Now we have moved more to the maps. We do love your service, but we launched our original product a year before you (June 2011) ;-)
Nikolai Lebedovsky
Nice! got the paid app too, will use it on my trips next week.

Just yesterday I was looking for a new maps alternative to try and break away from Google. I stumbled upon Sygic but didn't give it a fair shot so now that it's here I tried again and I have to say, it's better than I expected. I am currently travelling in Slovenia so I guess it's not the most used country for the moment. Anyhow, there are quite a few things that I like but I think there's definitely room for improvement. I would love to be able to see a satellite view(I use it often to know if where I'm going there's parking or other features that are not on the map), it's important that I can at least suggest adding/removing tags. Here many waterfalls are categorised only as that, while I think they should have at least the sightseeing tag too. It's the first tag in your search box, if I use it and this great places don't appear I will just think that you are very bad and move on(that's what happened yesterday). Reviewing is as painless as it gets which is nice.

Last but quite amazing if possible, would be a way to import lists from google maps or other services. I have over 600 stars on google maps which make it quite complex to move away. Having an export would be great too.


Pretty good database of locations.

I like the tag search

It's pretty fast

It's easy to pull images from Flickr/Wikimedia to add


Lots of places still don't have photos and have only one tag which makes them hard to discover

No satellite view

Very few reviews

Barbora Nevosadova
Hi Simone, Thank you for such a great feedback. We are working hard on improving our content, it is our number 1 priority. We should add satellite view shortly. I believe that importing lists from Google Maps is a bit tricky because of legal reasons, but I will discuss it with my colleagues. Have a great trip in Slovenia!
@barbora_nevosadova makes sense, can't hold it against you, it's also a bit of a special case, I don't think most people have that many stars saved so maybe it's better to focus on something else :) adding tags tho is something that might really be useful, any idea if that is going to come? I am a very active on Google Maps and would be very happy to switch if I knew that my efforts are going towards a better platform
Colin Winhall
This looks great! full of useful data. I can think of several more ways to use this data though, one of which was part of a Startup Weekend project that I was part of. I noticed that you have a B2B solutions offering. Could you explain a bit more about the data structure and API and costs associated? I like transparency and hate it when all I see on a page like that is "Get in touch". Makes me feel as though I am about to get ripped off by a sales person.
Barbora Nevosadova
@colinwinhall Hi Colin, thanks a lot! We provide the access to the data via API or as a data file, there are over 24 million POIs in our database. For popular places you would get data about location, place description, photos, 360° videos, opening hours, admission fees, contact information, tags etc. The places are ranked by popularity and they are categorized. You can find the API documentation at Pricing is available at If you want to try the API out, just drop me a line at and I will send you a test API key (and I promise there will be no ripping off by a sales person ;-).
Csaba Kissi
Great addition to the Sygic ecosystem.
Lee Qixian
Looking forward to a mobile app version and maybe offline mode (like google maps I guess but with the additional data all pre filled in already)
Barbora Nevosadova
@swiftpolar We do have mobile apps for both iOS and Android with offline mode ( and
Lee Qixian
@barbora_nevosadova Ah I'm embarrassed that I missed that out. I'll take a look at it, currently planning a trip for the year end using Google maps and bookmarking places. Let's see how this fits in. Thanks!
Desert Man
This is what I was waiting for a long time. Planning a trip is always a pain. Sygic is wonderfully solved this problem... Congratulations.
Flip van Ipscheuten

First installed it in 2012, the first route was a big deviation. Uninstalled it immediately. Yesterday (6 years later) installed it again and today uninstalled it. The looks are great, but it makes to many mistakes. 7 within 4km: 1.wants me to go in a street that's closed because of a new sewer (1 or 2 months already). 2.the next street is missing on the map. That's why I must turn. 3. On a main street I must go right to take a street just for bikes. 4. Sygic tell me to go across a parking lot because it's shorter (but much longer. Glad I didn't have my Mobil home with me). 5.Sygic wants me to drive into a one way street, that's not allowed for me. 6. It wants me to take the bus lane and 7. It tells me that close to a roundabout is a Speedcam. But there hasn't been one, never. This all happens within 10 minutes in 3 to 4 kms. I am cured and try Sygic in 2024 again.



Looks are okay


Many, many mistakes when nabigatinh

Barbora Nevosadova
Hi, I believe you are commenting on another product from the Sygic group - GPS Navigation. Still, I am sorry that you had such a bad experience. Could you please tell me what city you tried it out? It seems like there is a problem with maps there.
Mateusz Gaździak
Hi, What is your tech stack?
Barbora Nevosadova
@mateusz_gazdziak We use our internal SDK - TypeScript, Yarn, Webpack at the Web - AngularJS 1.7, Yarn, Gulp, Sentry (logging)
Robert Magrino
Missing information that I can find easily on google maps or For example, there is a renown bed and breakfast close to where i live, but it is not listed. Also, there is a ski and sport shop that is not listed. These are places that I would want to see if I was traveling in an unknown or new area.
Barbora Nevosadova
@rmagrino Thanks for the feedback, we are working on the content, but it is possible that in some destinations places can be missing.
Arkanath Pathak
Would love if we can tune this further for photography-interested audiences as well!
Ronald Liu
You guys should consider offering a trial period for newcomers before they have to pay
Barbora Nevosadova
@ronaldaliu The website is completely free, so you can test it out there. We are considering trial periods for the mobile apps.
Lola Hayes
I used this during my trip to Barcelona. Loved it! Agree that the offline mode would be helpful. Also would be cool to be able to do a loop back to your origin point.
Shantanu Raghav
Great maps! It would be great if you can also show metro maps or public transport routes like airbnb does.
Barbora Nevosadova
@shantanu_raghav Thanks! You are reading our mind, we should add information about public transport really soon ;-)