Kevin William David

Tagsdock - Tag Instagram photos instantly from your iOS keyboard.


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Kevin William David
Tagsdock is an iOS Keyboard app to tag your Instagram photos quickly. Like most Instagram users, I use hashtags for my photos. Bulk copying hashtags from other apps and then opening Instagram app every time to paste it sucks. Wanted to tag my Instagram photos faster, so we built Tagsdock. #Custom iOS 8 keyboard that works with Instagram, Vine or any app on iPhone. #Simple and easy-to-use layout. 1 Tap to Copy Hashtags directly to Instagram. #Curated 100+ popular hashtags categories for gaining new likes & more followers. #Choose from over 3000+ popular hashtags for any photo. #See the top popular Trending Tags from Instagram. #Add your favourite tags or most used tag sets to your favourites for quick access from the keyboard.
Geoffrey Weg
@kwdinc Kevin, any insights/data/tips re the benefits on tagging?
Austin Sandmeyer
@kwdinc huge fan of this! Does the keyboard learn, in terms of what is "trending" now with Instagrams latest update?
Kevin William David
@as_austin Hey Austin, We will do it in the next update,if instagram update its api.
Zac Nielson
I have been waiting for something like this, I am so glad to see it available! A must have for Instagram users. I really like the UI for the keyboard, well done. P.S. the product website is very nice as well.
Kevin William David
@zacherynielson Thanks for the kind words , Zac :) Glad you like it!
luke devall
this is so useful!
Kevin William David
@lukedevall Thanks luke. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Roy Marmelstein
Very clever!
@marmelroy thank you :)
Anuj Tandon
This looks really useful.
Hana Mohan
Super nice. Love seeing smart uses of custom keyboards.
Kevin William David
@prateekdayal Thanks Prateek.
Mike Dane
Great idea. Finally got rid of this hassle. Thanks :)
Salomé Bidaux
This is great @kwdinc - were you considering making this available for iPad keyboards as well?
Kevin William David
@salomebdx Thanks Salome, we will work on to support iPad keyboards soon!
Salomé Bidaux
@kwdinc awesome! Excited to use it on my iPad as well :)
Fiess Edouard
This is an awesome idea... What a pain to copy paste the hashtags every single time
Kevin William David
@fiessedouard Thanks for the kind words, Fiess :)
Jeff Waters
Oh this is definetly a life saver! You made my life easier, thank you guys for this handy app!!!
Kevin William David
Thanks Anuj!
Ross Currie
Pretty sure these guys spammed a Reddit post I wrote, but I checked it out anyyway and it's definitely a clever use of a custom keyboard - I have little post-it notes around my monitor with the hashtags I frequently use, one post-it for each brand. Instagram does kind of remember the hashtags I use, but it deletes this data when I log out to manage another account... So now I can move my post-it notes into my Tagdock favourites and I don't have to re-type them every time. For me, the coolest part of this app is that I can populate my favourites by category, so for "CrowdLoot" I can have #kickstarter #madewithkickstarter #cool #gadgets #coolideas or whatever, and for FuddleMuckers I can have #cocktails #instagood #instacocktail, etc. Then when I go into instagram I hit the category and can then just tap the hashtags to populate them. This way, not only can I easily access my stored hashtags, but I can also pick slightly different ones each time around. Their website claims "See the top popular Trending Tags from Instagram", though I still can't find this feature.
Kevin William David
@rossdcurrie Hey Ross, Thanks for the feedback. We haven't seen your reddit post, can you please share the link ? We show the top popular hashtags for each category from Instagram. The line "See the top popular Trending Tags from Instagram" is misleading and hence edited it now. But we also in the future plan to show trending tags from Instagram if they update their API.