Tagsdock is the fastest, easiest and most effective way to hashtag your posts on Instagram from your iOS keyboard.
Like most Instagram users, I use hashtags for my photos. Bulk copying hashtags from other apps and then opening Instagram app every time to paste it sucks. Wanted to tag my Instagram photos faster, so we built Tagsdock. We launched last year with over 100+ curated popular hashtags categories. You could choose from over 3000+ popular hashtags for any photo from these 100+ hashtags categories.
One of the most requested features was to search for any hashtag. You can now search for any hashtag from your iOS keyboard by clicking on the search icon. You will be shown a list of the top 30+ related popular hashtags for that hashtag.
@kwdinc I'd been using Tagsdock for some time, but when you changed the price to "Free with in-app purchase for premium", I lost the features I'd already paid for when it was a paid-app, and "restore in-app purchase" doesn't work.
Have contacted support about this a few times, but was told "That shouldn't happen", and that it would resolve itself (it hasn't).
Had continued to use the app, as I could still use the custom tags I'd already setup, I just couldn't use any new ones.
Until today, when you updated the app, and now I can't even access the ones I'd previously configured.
Definitely a frustrating customer experience.
@rossdcurrie Hey Ross, we are extremely sorry about this. This hasn't happened to any of our users until now.
Before we moved to freemium model with IAP we pushed an update to make sure that all pro users access to features are not interrupted. I think you might have missed that update. But we can fix this 🔑 , we will push an update in two days with which you can recover all your favorite list and continue to use pro features without any problem!
Also, please do not uninstall the app because if you do so the custom favorite list will be gone. We need at least one favorite hashtag list so that we can recover your purchase. Would not be possible to recover your favorite lists if you had uninstalled and downloaded the app again earlier as well.
If the new update doesn't resolve the issue, I will refund your money back!
@kjaymiller You can create custom list in our main app(Favorites Tab) and then in Tagsdock keyboard click on ❤️ icon to access your list. :) Watch this https://youtu.be/R4ONxL6MZf4?t=18s it might help.
HashTags are very useful to categorize and group the content, that said, it is equally difficult to remember the different hashtags. Interestingly if one wants to tag something with the popular hashtags of the current time, it is really challenging.
This is very cool idea to have them on keyboard itself for quick access and adding multiple hashtags in few seconds....
Cool stuff Kevin! Haven't tested the app but from what it looks it's a nice project. It would be really cool to see some kind of prioritisation of the hashtags. Total volume is cool but also to see what ht's are trending, which ones are newcomers etc. And think about sponsored ht's by brands as a way to monetise this further. Good luck with it and keep us updated on the progress!
I can't believe I didn't find this earlier! I've needed a better way to hashtag instagram posts for a while now. Everything else I've tried failed miserably. Thanks for building Tagsdoc @kwdinc@rahulmfg
It's time consuming to add hashtags on instagram. With TagsDocks it is super fast. Loved the way it is seamlessly integrated into the instagram app. Great app and awesome design. Loved it. I am sure it's gonna be a great hit. Looking forward to the android version :-)
Tagsdock 3.0 is a smart invention: it saves you from the boring and frustrating researching, typing, and retyping hashtags. It is your partner of crime if you only have a hot sec to post on Instagram when you are on the road or the middle of the party. Tagsdock 3.0 has over 3000 hashtags, all of them are color coded and categorized by topics, making your searching process easy and fun! You can efficiently learn the top 30 most popular hashtags in each topic. You can also create your own hashtags and mark them as your favorite. What are you waiting for? You and the most popular hashtags are just 1 Tagsdock 3.0 away!
It's always a pain to switch to hashtag apps to get some ideas, this keyboard solves this problem by letting you do it directly from Instagram while looking at your post.
It makes it so easy to pick the best hashtag directly while posting on Instagram
Not currently active on IG personal or company accounts - however: As an active Community/Social manager with eyes on a million accounts, any time saving tool that takes me out of notepad or some other copy/paste tool into a tap-centric presentation would be quite nice. I'd be apt to pick this up should I need to start managing IG accounts heavily. Great job @kevin
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It's always a pain to switch to hashtag apps to get some ideas, this keyboard solves this problem by letting you do it directly from Instagram while looking at your post.
Pros:It makes it so easy to pick the best hashtag directly while posting on Instagram
Cons:I haven't encountered any so far