Johnny Tong

Tailwind CSS Play - An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS


Tailwind Play, an advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser.

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Johnny Tong
TLDR: The fastest way to experiment with Tailwind CSS and share your code This is a very exciting launch. More and more people are discovering Tailwind CSS but haven't had a chance to try it out because you need to set up an environment. Despite the excellent documentation, there is still some friction to get started. 🤦🏻‍♂️ THE PROBLEM You want to try out Tailwind CSS or you want to show others your design but now you need to set up PostCSS, config files, VSCode plugins, .... 💡 THE SOLUTION An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser + - Customizing your Tailwind theme - Enabling special variants, like group-hover or focus-within - Using custom directives in your CSS like @apply, @variants, and @responsive - Adding plugins like @tailwindcss/typography - Intelligent code completion and linting - Responsive design mode - One-click sharing All of this by just going to ! 😄 What do you think?
Pasquale Vitiello
Well done! Any plans to add a JS tab?
Subodh Malgonde
This is an amazing product if you already use TailwindCSS to build your UI. Would be great if the creators could add Emmet support to the editor.
Miguel Acero
@subodh_malgonde +1, it would be cool to have emmet, and vim support just like codepen does
Sunny Trochaniak
This is awesome, and helps a lot for a tutorial I'm making about using tailwind with Oxygen builder for WordPress. Is there any way you could add a tab for the CSS output? It would help a lot!
Артем Ильин
@sunnytrochaniak can you share your experience Tailwind with Oxygen?
Stefan Natter
Wow, what a great idea. It’s a lot of fun playing with Tailwind so fast. Any plans for adding more examples?
Ben Issen
Wait, people still write HTML and CSS by hand?
Dave Loneragan
@adamwathan @bradlc @steveschoger you guys are KILLING IT 💪🏼
Bruno Farias
I gasped at least 5 time watching the video. This is incredible!