This is like Chat bots for Dummies 🤗 Cudos to Ish and team for the seamless onboarding experience and make it look easy.
Pros:This is amazing.. can’t get easier to create chat bots then this.
Cons:None at the moment
We wanted to use bot for our platform, so far i knew only use-case that was lead generation, but after exploring this templates actually realized that bots can serve many other use-cases in our platform as well.
Pros:Huge collection of use-cases! Something for everyone.
Cons:Can't think of at the moment.
Was thinking to implement a chatbot for our website for a long time but found it difficult to implement. These templates are well curated and gave a fair bit if idea of what all can be incorporated that can help us grow.
Pros:This is 'the' headstart for poeple who want to implement a chatbot in no time.
Cons:None at the moment