Taskcode is a masterfully created task manager with a unique data input system. Unlike other reminder apps, where the user constantly have to tap from one option to another, Taskcode allows the easiest way of specifying all attributes of a reminder like due date, time, subtasks, title, repeat function etc. simply by typing. This allows for a much quicker and efficient way of inputting data.
There are 6 simple codes, a user can use in combination to set reminders:
“ ” for title
# for due date
@ for due time
$ for repeat functionality
% for subtasks
* for color of a tile
Preview 1:
“Office Task” Meeting with John & Julie #tomorrow @noon
When you type the above and tap save, Taskcode automatically accepts due date as the next day and time as 12:00 pm, with title as ‘Office task’ - because # is used to specify due date, @ is used to specify due time and any character inside double quotes become the title of the tile.
Preview 2:
“Buy from Supermarket” %Milk %Sugar %Apples #010716 @0300p
Here the task will be titled as ‘Buy from Supermarket’ with subtask items listed as Milk, Sugar and Apples with the due date as 1st of July 2016 (010716), and time as 3:00 Pm (0300p).
Preview 3:
“Take Medicine” $daily @0800a
This will remind you to take your medicine every day ($daily) in the morning at 08:00 am (@morning can also be used).
Any text without these codes will be saved as a simple note.
Detailed tutorial and walkthrough tutorial are available inside the app.
Added Features include:
• Auto suggestion for codes
• Code & Color shortcut drawer
• Dark theme & White theme
• Snooze control
• Multi-select for batch actions
• Archiving of tiles and more
Master these 6 simple codes and discover how logical and faster it is to input data.There are hundreds of apps available to enter data manually but you deserve something better.
@danny_kurian ok just got a chance to play around with it quickly. Looks great. 1 feedback, when I press and hold I get option to delete, archive etc. I personally think it will be way more convenient if instead I was able to slide the task and I get like those options like we can do it in what'sapp.
@rizzisam Glad to hear that Sam.
About long press to select vs slide: Slide is convenient only when you have to perform actions for a single task tile; but for batch editing we thought, long press works better.. what do you think?
@danny_kurian ok maybe. But I suggest to do few 1on1 user interviews and see how the use it first time and may be ask if they preferred slide. I don't know how difficult it will be to code and let them play with the other version too. U won't know it until u see user reaction.
I think the choice of colors is a little washed out and old school. Maybe its intended that way, but it reminds me of colored paper. I'm not a designer, but I think it definitely doesn't look as good as other to do apps.
The code functionality is definitely a stand out feature, but as somebody who hates typing on mobile devices its not a plus in my book. Also, it doesnt take long to learn 6 commands, but it takes much longer to really have them in the back of your head and not needing to think about it anymore. And thats really important if you want to enter reminders fast. I'm just not sure if that learning path is worth it not having to tap on a due date or time button in the UI.
I don't mean to offend. I just wanted to share my perpective. Good luck, my friend.
@gopietz Thank you for your inputs and wishes, Pietz and here is my response :
Say you want to put a reminder for Tomorrow, evening to buy 3 items - Apples , Oranges and Watermelon with a title " Get from store" :
In Taskcode you simple type - " Buy from Store" %Apples %Oranges %Watermelon #tomorrow @evening - and its done !
On other apps its takes longer to input the same content - That's why we think the system we introduced is better.
Hey @danny_kurian Love the idea of Taskcode! Is there any plans of implementations of an integration with Google Calendar, or a web app and an Android App? Looks Great! Thank you :)
@calum_webb Thanks Calum :)
We just launched our app 5 days back. We want to see how it is received and surely we have more features lined up for future versions; even an android app. So far its been great. Nice to know that you like the idea for Taskcode.
@stoweboyd@calum_webb Yes Stowe , future plans include a cloud-based system where a user can use Taskcode on Web , android or iOS. This is the start of our Journey. Hopefully our app gets received well. If so we will think of an all such feature expansions. Thank you for showing interest.; that really fuels our desire to take our app to further heights.
@danny_kurian@calum_webb It's less a show of support for your app, and more a statement about needing a web client to effectively even evaluate tools like taskcode. For example, many of my tasks are initiated by email, so email integration is critical. W/out web app, who can tell if it's better/worse than existing web alternatives.
This reminds me of Remember The Milk as they allowed text codes to indicate task attributes. It made it easy to input a lot of extremely fast once you got the idea down. Do you have a web app? Not sure I'd get the same value when I have to use my mobile keyboard
@bmeadowcroft we have put a code shortcut drawer, placed on top on iphone keyboard. So you can easily and quickly access these 6 codes. You also get auto suggestions for syntaxes for the respective codes. Please see the images of the Submit page we have uploaded. Hope you get a chance to use our app to see it in action. Anyways, thanks a lot for your inputs.
@prajwalrao Thanks ! So happy to hear that ...
Please share your thoughts on areas we can improve or change - so we can work on that make the next version better :)
I'll try to describe what I'm talking about. Say that I set a reminder for a work report that is due 9am tomorrow. If I have the app running in the background, my hope would be that a "1" (indicating that I have the report task due) would populate on the icon automatically tomorrow without me having to open it first. Does that make sense?
I love the idea of codes instead of menus. I am the kind of person that masters shortcuts and codes to maximize efficiency. However, on my phone I actually believe that an effective User Interface would be superior to codes, so I find it interesting that this was built "mobile first". I mean, I get it, you always have your phone on you. But to me this is a perfect app for the computer. You could even make a CLI of it. Because the speed of typing on a keyboard and the fact that on a computer you have to move your hand off the keyboard to navigate and press things with a mouse, a code based system would be far more efficient and superior to menus on a computer. However, back to the phone, I would find this less ideal on my phone because typing is less desirable on the phone (especially because you need to switch keyboards to do characters like hashtags, quotes, and @ sign). This all would slow me down over a well thought out gesture based interface.
So maybe I would suggest a hybrid system. Can we maybe combine gestures on the phone with the codes on computers? I don't know these are only first impressions. I will try it myself and maybe find that codes on the phone aren't as bad as I am imagining. Regardless, this seems like an obvious play for a desktop app or even as a plugin to spotlight or alfred or something like that. In fact, an alfred-like interface for a todo app would be sick! A quick shortcode I press at any time to pull up a textbox overlay and then I type my code and click enter and continue on my work. I couldn't think of a more efficient todo app than that.
Best of luck. Hope my ramble is useful advice for you guys!
@_jacurtis Yes, there is a code shortcut drawer , that is placed just above the iphone keyboard; so you dont have to switch keyboards to access the special characters for inputting the syntax. Plus, we have put auto-suggestion that will display the relevent syntaxes as an when you tap any code key from this shortcut drawer. We hope you get a chance to use taskcode soon to see it all in person. Please have a look at the second and third uploaded image - where we have shown the images of our Submit page. Thanks a lot for the inputs.
I really like the card layout and overall look of this, but I'm not seeing anything that's tempting me away from another solution that offers robust natural language task creation across multiple platforms (Todoist, in my case). It doesn't do subtasks or colours via NLP input, but it processes all the rest, often without the need for any special syntax.
For example, your third preview—“Take Medicine” $daily @0800a—could be entered in Todoist by simply typing: Take Medicine daily at 8am.
Can you comment on what key differentiating features or advantages you see versus products like that?
@mostlymarius Thank you.
We have thought about every possible use case when we developed the language for Taskcode; and we believe any type of reminder setting can be entered using our code based system versus natural system. Few Examples - like you said 1) subtask. 2) you can repeat on specific dates like: Drum class @evening $thursday $friday or 3) what if you want to copy+ paste a small article that has words like tomorrow or daily or time ? Natural language based system will only get confused. 4) what if you want to start repeating a task from a date after 5 months etc...
So our system is more straight forward and more logical and the codes can be used in any combination to create a reminder for any scenario.
@danny_kurian@mostlymarius In Todoist you can do `Run 5 km #Sports priority 2 @health every mon, wed starting in 5 months` => This would properly parse project, priority, label and recurring due date that has a start date.
What we tried with our system is making date parsing as easy as possible -- the user does not need to learn any code syntax.
Pretty cool product, @danny_kurian. I was going to pass since in my heart of hearts I'm really a natural language fan; however, considering the unnecessary douchebaggery displayed toward you by some (looking at @stoweboyd) I'm just gonna snag it anyway.
I totally agree about a Mac OS companion for anything that is as typing-focused as this. For what it's worth, I'm a fan of Calendars 5 date/time entry system.
Anyway, looking forward to what you have in store next for it.
@danny_kurian hey, could you add support for MM/DD/YYYY date entry and a 12 hour clock instead of 24? Also, why can't I have a reminder and subtasks? :(
If this went to desktop also I'd use it. Everything else for more is too much input Evernote, Trello etc. This finally may be the system that beats pencil and paper
@danny_kurian I know that probably it's a lot of work: setting up a REST server, user registration, pushing notification and so on, but I think it worth the effort. For example, the integration between Trello and Todoist (which uses a similar parsing approach) is quite useless at the moment because it's hard to set a specific due date.
@nostradamion Are you asking today notification tab on your iphone ? If so , that features will be added in the future version. If its about the change of in-app notification - we have implemented it to make it as seamless as possible.
Looks very interesting! Two questions from an avid user of Wunderlist:
1. Why not just use natural language like Wunderlist for dates etc? This would make it easier to speak into the input box using my device's mic feature in the keyboard.
2. Any plans to have a desktop app and Android app?
@palavalli Thanks Nagarjun !
1) our code based system can be used to cater to any use case scenario.Natural language system has its limitations. For example: 1) subtask and lists 2) copy paste for saving notes ( what if there are words like tomorrow or daily or morning etc in the content? NLS would get confused. 3) repeat on specific days ( Guitar class @evening $Wednesday $friday $saturday) 4) color tagging 5) subtask or lists as simple notes or reminders ... ..etc. Code-based system is more logical and straight forward. Plus, its really exciting to see your syntaxes getting converted to reminders. its like running a program :)
2) yes...a cloud-based - multi-platform system is on the cards.
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
ListingPro WP
Taskcode 2.0
ListingPro WP
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0
Nightfall AI
Taskcode 2.0
Taskcode 2.0