Michael Seibel

TeamOut for Small Groups - Book everything for your offsite in one place

Revolutionize offsite planning with TeamOut's latest update. Discover the perfect homes, hotels, food, activities, and transportation options, all in one seamless experience. Make organizing your next offsite effortlessly simple.

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Thomas Mazimann
Thanks for hunting us! Over 300+ companies have been using TeamOut since our launch in 2022, including Netflix, Accenture, Kayak, and more, and now we're super excited to release a major update to our offering. In this game-changing version, we've introduced a new supply of houses & villas available with food and activities options. Forget the hours spent on Airbnb to find a 10+ bedroom villa that can host your group. In a quick search, easily find and compare hundreds of villas close to the airport, with high-speed Wi-Fi, food, and activities. This new update isn't just a milestone; it's a launchpad for what comes next. We believe the future of work will be remote, and we want to support teams all over the world to meet whenever they want, however they want. We’d love to hear your feedback!
Joel Milton
@thomas_mazimann2 Congrats! We were a huge fan of TeamOut for our offsite earlier this year, excited to se the new update.
Thomas Mazimann
@joelm this comment means the world to us! Thanks for the support. Would love to see you again soon!
Annie Chopra
This is a really cool product, I also think the name is very awesome like 'time out' I can definitely see myself saying okay 'team out😂' But honestly, I think this is going to be a great product for teams :) I hope to share it and use it :D
Thomas Mazimann
@annie_chopra We definitely get confused with Time Out all the time. haha
Congrats on your launch!! Going to try it with my team! 🦄
Tom Nguyen
Love the product, congratz for the launch, can't wait to try this with my team!
Thomas Mazimann
@tom_nguy Thanks Tom, can't wait to have you!
Guillaume Luccisano
Looking really sleek team! Congrats!
Matan Talmi
Love the concept, congrats!
Simo Elalj
Congrats team for the launch!!
Andrei Negrau
Sign me up! We'll be checking it out for sure when we plan our first retreat. 📌
Jovana Djekovic
I like how this app streamlines the whole offsite planning process, from picking homes and hotels to sorting out food and activities. This is going to make organizing team trips so much easier and hassle-free. Congrats!
Tristan J Petit
Congrats Team from one of your first clients!
Lisa Popovici
this is brilliant and so easy! congrats, Thomas and team!
Enzo Avigo (📊 june.so)
Congrats on the launch!!!