I grew up building (and breaking) things and strapping dolls to the back of remote control cars, so it's fair to say that diversity in STEM in general -and tech in particular- is something I've always been super passionate about. When the diversity numbers from tech companies started rolling out last summer, an idea I had played with for a while became much more important... I knew so many people from underrepresented groups in tech (myself included!) that were having a rough time finding a job at a company that was happy to have them... but I also knew there had to be companies out there that really do care.
Modiv is my answer to that, and a huge passion project of mine... I see it as my way of helping move tech forward. But I know that the problem is bigger than getting people hired right now, which is why at least 10% of the profits (more once we get up and moving!) will go to organizations working on tech diversity. Think GirlsInTech, CODE2040, BlackGirlsCode... you get the idea :) Really excited to see how we can all work together to get diversity moving in a great direction.
Special thanks to Product Hunt and all of the other awesome companies already onboard :D
Employers: Get 50% off your first order by using the code 'producthunt' at checkout!
@hueypriest most of the talent is US-based so far, but I'd be happy to discuss to see if we can work something out :) send me an email: rachel at modivhq dot com
@cmrberry I'm developing a coding academy in Oakland geared towards underrepresented minorities with the support of Hack Reactor. Would love to get in touch to see how you could help us incentivize our hiring network.
@cmrberry Hi!
Your project is very cool. We do the platform to place stocks and special offers those companies as yours.
I suggest to you to place your offer on our site free.
This looks great Rachel. You've got an impressive client list there, I'm looking forward to seeing how this grows!
P.s. the 'I'm just having fun' tab, best thing ever :D
@fredrivett Glad someone found it! I always appreciate "easter eggs" on Hunts, so I had to throw one in :D
And yep, I'm super fortunate and excited to be working with some amazing companies that I really look up to! They're leaders in inclusive work culture and already doing awesome work... so happy to send more diverse talent their way!
This is cool. I'll keep an eye on this project. @cmrberry, I'd be happy to connect you with our team whenever you'd like and/ or please drop by next time you're in the bay. jason at code2040.org.
Tech Diversity Tuesdays
Tech Diversity Tuesdays
Tech Diversity Tuesdays
Tech Diversity Tuesdays
Figma Letters
Tech Diversity Tuesdays
Tech Diversity Tuesdays
Tech Diversity Tuesdays