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Ryan Hoover
bttn — Press the bttn & Magic Happens™ (internet connected button).

bttn is complete IoT solution for your business. It comes with stand-alone connectivity for easy deployment, cloud service with all the business management and integration tools. Plus it offers bttn for Commerce API that delivers secure payments for all ecommerce uses.

Both bttn and bttn for Commerce API have been granted US patents.

Ryan Hoover
"Using a simple wizard, you can harness the power of various Internet technologies, such as HTTP, RSS, IFTTT, SmartThings, Twitter, Facebook, email, or SMS messaging. And we're building more choices all the time." I'm brainstorming ideas right now...
Ryan Hoover
@andrewpyott - no doubt! I want to integrate this with Yo so I can "yo" my friends with a fist bump. Let's make this happen, @orarbel!
Shaan Puri
this is amazing - how is this not at the top of today's PH chart??
Ryan Gilbert
If I'm not mistaken I believe @soffes was working on something similar with
Tom Masiero
Would be cool to see this hooked up with a platform like @Zapier @wadefoster
David Haddad
@Zapier @wadefoster @blendahtom it hooks up with ifttt which is trying to become the zapier of connected hardwar devices
Kipp Chambers
UPDATE: Just saw that they're officially now shipping. I freakin' love this product. It's like the of the Internet of Things.
Andrew Pyott
Want want want! @rrhoover There has to be some really awesome things to do with this at Point Of Sale.
Clark Wimberly
Been using a similar setup with NinjaBlocks for a few months now. It's amazingly satisfying to deploy real-world buttons that do internet things. For a while, we had a live display on the wall in the office that was controlled by buttons near the sales team. It was completely stupid and the tracking totally could've been automated but there is something special about walking up to an actual red button and giving it a press.
Sam Soffes
@_ryangilbert ha well I had an idea for it. Posted it the same month they formed their company. Wonder if that's just a coincidence. Anyway, I'm a fan of the idea. Excited to try theirs when it comes out.
Ugur Kaner
Gotta love Finnish design
Helen Crozier
sweet! i'm wondering if they will have different colours so you can differentiate the actions. edit: just downloaded press release and saw the different colours! i'm happy. Also putting logos on them for branding would be possible of course!
Julie Chabin
Let's make a PARTY TIME BUTTON! If you press the button: play music, change the colors of your Philips Hue and send a message to friends with "grab the beers, it's party time".
Will Imholte
Apple used to have a similar device sold in store—I believe it was Harman Kardon. It was aluminum, and probably USB, it may have also had a wheel and button together. I remember thinking it was beautiful and silly, what the hell good is a single button? Seeing this, it seems totally practical. Maybe I've learned more about stuff, or maybe bttn is pitched in a better way.
Guy Gal
Refreshingly bright idea
Or Arbel
@rrhoover lots of potential combining the two products..!
Frank Caron
I wasn't really sold on the idea until I read the following example use case: "Sure: When a 6-year old daughter presses the bttn in the front hall, Daddy's cell receives the SMS message 'I am home! Emily (via button).'" The obvious Twilio integration there really opened my mind to the potential uses here, even in the office. Very simple but nonetheless interesting idea!
ian kennedy
low cost version is to hack Amazon's Dash button
Raphael Thys
I bought one, i never succeed to make it work, simplicity is great but the condition is that it has to work...
Marcus Kirsch
Really cool. Do you thin you could add LoRaWAN support like The Things Network gateway?
Daylen Sawchuk
This is just like flic (