Telegram 4.5 - A new era of messaging
Starting with Telegram 4.5, whenever you send multiple photos or videos they are grouped into albums. Each album can include up to 10 photos or videos, arranged in the chat as elegantly proportioned thumbnails. They will also result in one notification instead of ten on the recipient’s side.
Unicorn Platform
Unicorn Platform
I've tinkered with Telegram for years, but really dove in over a year ago when I grew tired of Skype for Business failing, Slack feeling too cumbersome, Google not having their act together with...well pretty much anything to do with messaging, and FB/WhatsApp being too ominous/stigmatized.
I have used Telegram on iOS, Android, Chrome (browser & OS), and Windows. It just works. If I could get everyone I chat with to use it instead of one of all the other ones, that would be a refreshing change.
The one app that has an advantage over it is GroupMe because of SMS mode. A person can opt into receiving and sending messages via SMS only. They lose a lot of functionality, but it's still possible and works well.
Pros:Cross platform like almost no other messaging app. Super fast and reliable. Not tied to any ad-hungry company account. By far the best.
Cons:No way to switch between a work and personal account on the same device, or flag conversation/contacts as such. Also no SMS mode (GroupMe).
We produce HMIs since 1998 here and we think that the conversational mode made possible par this kind of tools ( Telegram being the best for many reasons that can not be easily detailed here) is a real game changer.
Pros:Telegram is just an amazing platform. We use it for many purposes at DigitalAirways, from personal channels to professional bots.
Cons:It would be great to be able to store pieces of conversations in folders.
I love Telegram and use it as my daily work messenger. It's blazing fast, reliable, and works pretty much perfectly. My only wish is that they would support SMS so I can ditch my other messaging apps.
Pros:Fast, Stable, Secure
Cons:No SMS support