Telegram bots have always felt very janky for me in the past (cc @liveink) but these new capabilities should make them far more usable. Here's a brief demo of the @youtube bot:
@rrhoover@liveink@youtube I loved them before thanks to @Chatfuel. I get all my notifications sent to Telegram now thanks to amazing integration with Zapier (and to a lesser degree IFTTT)
I wrote about stuff like this earlier this year: - if you're interested in chatbots and chatops please reach out to me :) <3 Telegram and we've just launched beta for it.
Eager to work with Telegram Bot Platform 2.0.
You can fetch data from Google Analytics and Mixpanel right in Telegram simply by typing questions in natural language.
Viva la bots!
it's cute, i can't say its a game changer (everyone is going with these @commands now) and bots, I tried some of their demos and I can't say i'd prefer to use these bots so much more than the actual app, but time will tell as this tech gets better :)
It's nice, but the bots on telegram are not working well. Sometimes have to blacklisted them just to stop them sending info, even after paused. Hope it will be better.
Curious to see how FB will differentiate itself from existing bot platforms like Telegram and Kik. Perhaps the fact that they have such a large user base will do the trick.
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