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Telegram Login Widget — Official Telegram authentication for websites 🚀


Telegram Login Widget for external websites is here. When you use Telegram login for the first time, the widget asks for your phone number and sends you a confirmation message via Telegram to authorize your browser. Once this is done, you get a two-click login on every website that supports signing in with Telegram.

Ryan Hoover
Telegram, last year's Golden Kitty Award winner, is making moves introducing its own "Facebook Connect/Login" button. Eager to see how this platform matures. Side note: I recently started experimenting with Telegram channels. You can join here if interested.
Wow, this is great! And perfect timing too. I was just developing an app that uses Telegram. Thanks @durov & Telegram team 👏
OMG! I was waiting for this for a long time :) I saw many creating their own version with custom (probably unsafe) bots

I can't wait for websites to actually implement and use this.


Seems like a useful feature to me



David A. Lindahl
I cant wait to try this out for OAuth! I love Telegram. I consider it the world's greatest messenger, I've been using it for a few years now and its completely astounding how quickly they push out amazing updates. The speed of the app and how quickly chats sync in the cloud is pure magic- you will think all other apps are laggy and feature-less after using telegram.
Levitator Imbalance
Well-well-well. What do we see here? Third-party authorization? Good one. ...Wait, what? You can not customize the login button? What? You can not appear authorization window manually (like with Google, Facebook, Girhub and ANY OTHER 3rd party authorizations)?! No, thanks. Pros: another one 3rd party authorization tool Cons: totally unusable
Тимур Мухамеев
We need to login without widget itself (like login with Facebook or Google Plus through redirects). Reasons: we would like to implement a different design for our login button, and now we are not able to place more than one widget on the same page without hacks.
Кузьменко Дмитрович Тарас
Help me please. Can i take a number when user login on my web site by Telegram bot?If i can what variable(like user.id) i need to use.I follow this tutorial https://core.telegram.org/widget...
Mukesh Ghatiya
If I understand this right, this only works on websites and not on apps. Also, this doesn't give the "auth_key_id", that one can get if he follows the usual auth procedure on https://core.telegram.org/api/auth And hence I can't make an API call on behalf of the user even if the user logs in using this, right? Is my understanding correct? Is there a widget of sorts that would help me make users login in my app using Telegram in such a way that I can make API queries on behalf of the user?
Sven van der Zee
Amazing feature! I've already seen some developers make their own login scripts using Telegram.
You can try Telegram login right on this page. 🔥 https://telegram.org/blog/login
Valentyn Pivovarov
God damn! Every week new launch :) Keep it up, @durov
Denis Germanenko
How about SDK for mobile applications?
Stas Romanov
Cool thing. We already plan to implement it in our projects :)
Nader Mahmoodi
any one has any code for c#???
Vithal Reddy
will use it in all of our sites and apps!. cheers🍻🍻🍻
Yurii Horbal
This feature doesn't work in inApp browsers (Instagram, Facebook etc)
Louise Kriebel
Afanasiy Savvin
@durov is crushing it :)