Maker here, we've just launched our first bot - the easiest way to stay up to date on anything through notifications - we are a Techstars startup with 400K+ users at our apps and we think the fit on chatbots and specially telegram is perfect for our notifications product.
Looking for the first feedback :)
A little bit more about the bot:
Hooks BOT is the easiest way to stay up to date on anything through push notifications. Whether you’re into news, sports, tv, music, video games, social networks, meet-ups, food or a bit of everything, Hooks makes it simple to stay in the know.
* Daily curiosities, breaking news
* RSS Feeds
* Best movie releases, new tv shows and episodes
* Best restaurants near you
* Music concerts near you
* Sports results and next games for NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL
* Video games release dates, Twitch streams
* Weather forecast: rain, ice, snow, temperature drop alerts
* A lot more
@kozkozkoz Another fan of Hooks. What languages & tools are used to create the bot. Any plans to open source the bot? Is there going to be a bot for Facebook Messenger?
Hi @ishu3101 Yes Facebook BOT is on the way, we are pulling out the UX and hope to launch next week. I just used code + Hooks API to build the bot only in english for now, same as app, nothing really to open source there, the logic is pretty simple. Are you building something? Need help?
Hey Oleg, I get stuck on the /start request on Telegram when I tried to add the HooksBot bot - is it normal? Should I need to do something special? Thanks!
@kozkozkoz if there is an email address to send you a screenshot you'll see that I typed many times /start without reponse. Maybe i need to so something else?
EuroBot 2016
EuroBot 2016