cheung wade

Telegram Sender - Connect your customers in bulk on Telegram!

Scrape Telegram group members and send bulk message, invite bulk members automatically on Telegram.

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cheung wade
Hello, Producthunt. ⏳ Two months ago, we went live with this tool. Our goal was to cover the marketing needs of marketers on Telegram and to facilitate the exponential growth of their business. 💪Telegram Sender Extension is just our first result. We are looking for and exploring marketers' pain points in their Telegram marketing campaigns. If you have any ideas, feel free to give us a comment! We'll read all comments. 🙌Automatically scraper Telegram group member data. Do you want to quickly get the user information of hot telegram group?Now navigate to the group you want to get user information, open the extension and set the maximum number of users to get at one time through the scraping function, then click "start scrapering", after a while you will get a large number of user ids, the next step can be Start your marketing. ⚙️Automated and Precisely Customized Bulk Messenge for Your Business. Do you have bulk messenge needs? The extension pushes messages to customers through user name, which is fast and efficient, and can maximize the efficiency of marketing. 📈Automated and Precisely Customized Bulk Messenge for Your Business. Do you have bulk messenge needs? The extension pushes messages to customers through user name, which is fast and efficient, and can maximize the efficiency of marketing. 💜 Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey.
Виктор Дерзов
This is a great tool, I recommend everyone to use it
cheung wade
@new_user_336a4812339ed Thanks! Hope you like it. Let me know what you think after you use it. Would love any feedback from you!
Ярослав Ершов
I was so surprised that I used it to send messages to 500 contacts automatically! This has improved my marketing efficiency!
Elaine Scavo
The Tool save me a lot of time, Thanks!
cheung wade
@new_user_687e026b6e It's great to be able to help you!
Степан Гусев
Great tool! I just used it to form a group of 300+ members, thanks~
Павел Стулов
If you have a need for batch operations, you can try this tool, it’s not bad