Gökhan Eğri

Tempo: Playlists for Spotify - Sketch the vibe of your playlist


Do you ever have an awesome idea for a killer playlist, like you definitely know you want it to start with some indie pop, and finish with some bop electro, and have some slow folk somewhere but can't figure out the rest? - Well, Tempo can!

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Gaurang Shah
This looks solid, as a former DJ, this would've been so damn helpful over the years..
Gaurang Shah
You def need more DJ friendly genres, and do you have a feature that maps your current existing playlists?
Gökhan Eğri
Hey Gaurang, mapping your current playlists sounds like something we might want to pursue, thanks! What are some DJ-friendly genres? If they are recognized by Spotify, we can immediately add them.
Gökhan Eğri
@gshah2020 Just updated the app with a feature that maps your existing playlists. Thanks for the idea, have fun!
Looks cool but only for iOS :(
Gökhan Eğri
@sadspaer 😔 There is a web version at https://tempo-playlist-app.herok... but it's currently not working after the last update. Will try and fix that!
Mitchell Orme
Unlocking Reggae was fun too!
Gökhan Eğri
Gökhan Eğri
@mitchell_orme 🏠🐭 10:31
Gökhan Eğri
*takes off headphones* Hey kid - ever wanted to sketch the vibe of your playlist? Like, let's start with a couple low tempo indie pop and finish on some energetic electro. Or like, let's start with some upbeat Mozart, add some retro McCartney into the mix and finish off with some blasting Ye. Or, kinda li- *kid electric scooters off after getting the point* It really isn't rocket science - download now for more interesting playlists, read below to hear us brag about ourselves (p.s. we get real obnoxius real fast). -- ⚡️ Vibe Board™ What makes Tempo unique is the ability to sketch the vibe of your playlist. Do you want a folk to rock playlist a la Dylan circa '65, or a Cloud 9 one that's pure euphoria. You do you. Just select the audio feature, pick your genres and sketch your vibe. If you can sketch it, you can listen to it. -- 🎸 Genres Mix and match different genres including Rock, Pop, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Electro, Folk, Jazz, Blues... and much more! -- 📳 Shake-to-Unlock Hard to imagine you won't be satisfied with our default genres, but if you shake your phone at just the right times, you will be able to unlock even more easter egg genres including Disney, Movie, Funk... and much more. (Don't believe us? - shake your phone at 4:20 pm and see what happens ;) -- 🎧 Audio Features Tempo allows you to order your playlist by any of the 8 audio features used by Spotify including Tempo, Danceability, Acousticness, Valence... and more. If you ever wanted to make a playlist that starts out crying in the club (high danceability, low valence), rises to euphoria after a couple of drinks (high energy, high valence) and ends with an existential crisis at McDonalds at 4 am on a school night (low energy, low valence) - well, now you can! -- 🍀 Spotify Integration (duh!) It goes without saying that with the Spotify integration, you can directly save your playlists to your Spotify account. Obvs. -- 🐦 Share to Twitter You can share your Vibe Board™ on Twitter. (Okay, okay, we know promoting stuff on your personal Twitter isn't cool and all, but this really helps us so pls share us :heart:)
Calum Webb
Love the look of this, congrats on the launch @gokhan_egri! I'd be curious to learn how Tempo selects songs after you've drawn the graph? Are these pulled from a Spotify user's liked songs or does the user pre-select songs they'd like to use for the playlist and then Tempo sorts them to match their vibe board? Looking forward to trying this later on 🙌
Gökhan Eğri
Hey @calum, glad you like it! Awesome question - since Spotify's API doesn't allow to query based on audio features, what Tempo does is it queries a certain number of tracks from the genres in your graph, and searches for tracks with the lowest distance to your preferred audio feature profile. If all tracks end up with a low error (< epsilon), you're done, if not, the app queries a couple more times. Have fun!
Pablo Fatas
This is just a really neat idea. Well done :)
Unfortunately doesn't work for me on my iPhone 11 Pro. It says the Playlist was created but I can‘t find it. Wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Cool idea though!
Gökhan Eğri
@pasdoer Huh - the primary on-device testing for the app was on an iPhone 11 Pro so I'm not sure what happened there 🧐 Sorry for the complications. It'd be great if you could try again and let me know if it works now - if not you can @/DM me on Twitter (@gokhan_egri) and I'll try debugging it. Hope you enjoy it!
Gökhan Eğri
@efesenertr Thanks! (Shake at 19:23 to unlock Turkish Rock 🇹🇷)
Thomas Amir Hekmat
What a concept. I’ll try this out!
Stylonic NL
Ingo Rauth
Great idea - forwarded it to a friend who I know will love it!
Md Abu Taher
Wow amazing Playlist for Spotify ! Congratulations on the launch..
Gökhan Eğri
@hellotaher Thanks a lot!
Kim Holm
Thanks for the product
Gökhan Eğri
@kimholm Thanks for the review
Mitchell Orme
Keen to create some running styled playlists on here!
Gökhan Eğri
@mitchell_orme That's one of the main use cases we considered - happy running!
Kwadwo Adu
Finally, I can get why Spotify doesn't let me sort by BPM.. :|
Gökhan Eğri
@kwadwoadu Legend has it that they once had a way to make running playlists by specifying BPM but no idea what happened to it, or if it's even real. I'll @ them on Twitter!
Sandra Beyonce
I see!, great!
Heidi Rock
Gökhan Eğri
Claude Stikeleather
Excited to try this out and see if it solves my problem of constantly making new playlists and never finishing them
Gökhan Eğri