Culture Codes is a collection of culture decks, core values, mission statements, and more from real companies. In total, these companies employ over 280,000 people around the world.
@cpresc Hey Chris, sorry about that. Looks like you witnessed the Product Hunt Effect in action. I just made some tweaks and that shouldn't happen again. Thanks for the heads up.
Hey All, Andy here. I put this list together and am excited to share it with you.
For some backstory, we started talking about culture and values at my startup, Tettra, this week. I worked at HubSpot for two years and one of the things that impressed me was the strong company culture. It was basically a way to scale decision making a cross the company. At the center of it was @dharmesh's Culture Code.
I started looking for published Culture Codes from other companies to share with our team at Tettra for inspiration. Thought it would be helpful to curate them into a list to share with the rest of the community too.
@andygcook Thanks, Andy for putting this list together. Some great culture code decks in there. And I'm honored that you included HubSpot in the list. Cheers.
@andygcook@nivo0o0 Agreed. I'm a HUGE fan of the Netflix culture deck. It is the standard by which I measure all others. Also honored to have spent a bunch of time with Patty McCord (who was co-author of the Netflix deck).
@jackyeclayton We actually used to work at HubSpot, so although we took a lot of inspiration from @dharmesh, the site wasn't built by HubSpot. We do have HubSpot's culture in our DNA and have taken a lot of the lessons we learned there to our new startup, Tettra. If you're using Slack and want to have a more transparent company culture, we'd love for you to check out the product
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