Matt Williamson

The Allusionist - WLTM part I - Online dating: the latest spin on a 300 year-old tradition

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Matt Williamson
Show Notes: "Your online dating profile is the latest spin on a 300-year-old tradition of advertising yourself in order to find a spouse, a sexual partner, or someone to take care of your pigs. Francesca Beauman, author of Shapely Ankle Preferr’d: A History of the Lonely Hearts Ad, digs into lonely hearts ads to see how British society and desires have evolved over the past three centuries. WARNING: Some of the content is a little saucy, but not, like, swimming in sauce. READING MATTER: - Reviews of hundreds of different dating sites? You got it --> - I love reading the Blind Dates ( in the Guardian each Saturday, and The Guyliner’s dissection thereof shortly afterwards ( - Atlas Obscura tests the Victorian seduction technique of reading aloud --> - Not so much a lonely heart ad as a curious soul ad, but it resulted in one of the most intriguing books I’ve ever read: The Life Swap by Nancy Weber ( Read about it here --> (NB spoilers). - Warlock: offensive term? -->"