Your logo looks really amazing. Whoever design it he/she has very creative mind also your product name. I will use it for sure for our company accounts on twitter. I hope it will help us. Good luck
When I started my Twitter account, I just used to post tweets and threads to grow on Twitter. My growth was super slow.
I read the tweet of a fast-growing account that I should engage with the best influencers on Twitter to build an audience.
I ignored it because I never knew the best influencers in my domain.
I also ignored it because I was too lazy to engage with them.
But later, I started engaging with the best influencers in my niche, and it worked like magic.
I learned from my failures and succeeded. My Twitter growth has skyrocketed today.
And I want you to learn from my past failures and succeed.
The problem you are facing: You cannot build an audience on Twitter.
The thing you want: You want to know the best writers, provide value in their comment section, and steal their audience
The solution for you: I have built a resource with 499+ best Twitter influencers across 10+ niches, which will significantly help you.
Jay Team Click One
Thank You Cem, I saw your comment so I thought I'd come and check it out. Hello, Mr. Shushant Lakhyani I see your presentation it looks really promising. There's a big need for this type of product online. I'm on 211 platforms and I see that engagement is at an all-time low for new sign-ups. So I appreciate products like this that help with engagement. If they can't engage with members of a platform how are they supposed to buy A product from your business? This is very important in all aspects of the business. So I'll contact my team so we can get started. Thank you, sir.
#jaymgallegos #teamclickone #hello #business #clickonetogetit #contact #product #thankyou
#engage #veryimportant #platforms #engagement #alltimelow #comment #promising #I #signup
#members #big #jerrymgallegos #allaspects
@shushant_lakhyani what a great product! This would save us hours of manual research. One question - do you refresh the lists over time? Curious to know how you manage for the influencer's posts becoming saturated with 'thiefs' over time, as your lists become more popular?