Kevin William David

Beta Family 2.0 - Find beta testers for your app

We have just released the new version of our crowd testing service. Our goal is to make beta testing easy, accessible and qualitative. We have worked very hard with this update and are proud of the results. All feedback is welcome!

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Mikael Hällgren
Hello Product Hunt! 👋 Beta Family is a crowd testing community. We created this service because, as app developers ourselves, we just couldn't get good/honest enough feedback from our small circle of testers. Now we have thousands of testers and developers in the Family. Our goal is to make beta testing easy, accessible and qualitative. As a developer you can have direct contact with the user/consumer. We just released a complete overhaul of the service. I have to confess that, ironically, the old site has been a bit buggy. Most of the bugs should be gone with the new version, but if you find any we would like to hear about them. The new version also introduces a completely remade UI which is more user-friendly, clearer subscription options and an efficient connection to TestFlight. In addition we now also offer a service where we find a certain amount of testers to come to your office and try out your app on-site. We can tailor this to your company's needs. Both small startups and big mobile app development companies like King are very satisfied with this service. To celebrate the new release we want to give the PH community a treat and therefore you will get 20% off the subscription cost. Get this discount by signing up and emailing customer support at (Offer valid until 21 December) It would be great to get some feedback on our new Beta Family. Don't hesitate to email us your thoughts or write a comment here.
Jan Piotrowski
Very nice design, awesome onboarding. (Although the iOS flow ended with "Failed to register device" and then clicking "here" in "Login to see your devices here." only greyed out the page, but didn't do anything. When logging in from the hompage and trying again, it also failed an that time I always get the "Update your devices" modal without a way to close it on mobile [iPhone 8]) (Oh, that modal is also not closable on Desktop for me) @betafamily @mikaelh89 Why the "beta" in the subdomain that was submitted here, the normal domain seems to show the same content? Or did I miss anything?
Mikael Hällgren
@sujan Hello Jan. Thank you for your feedback! Please email and we can have a conversation there to resolve your issue. Beta.betafamily is the domain where we had our beta testers. We are using that url to signify that the new version is still in beta phase.
Karim Maassen
I'll definitely try this out for nwzer!
I really liked your onboarding. The service doesn't seem to allow for desktop app, is there a reason for this?
Mikael Hällgren
@hugowoodhead Hello Woody Thank you! :) At the moment we focus 100% on mobile devices so that we can perfect this. We plan to release support for other types of applications later on in the future.
Hey @mikaelh89 how is your presence in Germany? My startup’s product (business bank account) is only available in Germany for compliance reasons.
Mikael Hällgren
@prokotasic Hello Luka. We have a significant number of active users in Germany too. Contact me at and I can look at your specific needs more thoroughly.
Rudy Lee
This is a very smart concept! Finding beta testers are not that easy these days! Good luck :D
Diana Jennifer Howard

I have been using beta family site from last 5 years, and i have seen its growth a ..




from mobile its some times confusing as to go to home screen user finds no option other than

Mikael Hällgren
Hello Diana. Thank you for your feedback and your review. We are focusing on improving the UI on mobile devices right now. Please send us a detailed description of your issues to so that we can look into it.
Skyhood Neverforce
There should be more motivation to stay #1 in top testers list, support should solve problems I have allready sent (bug with website). Suggest to take marketing manager of something like that to involve more investors (app-test owners), because there is so little amount of payed tests appears. I need more rewarded job tests!)
Arthur Camara
Nice work @mikaelh89 🎉🎉🎉 happy to see you here on PH 😻
Kristina Savina
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Thomas Miskiewicz
This website is dead no? Support and contact buttons are dead. But they still charge credit cards...