Paul Jarvis

How to Get Sponsorships for Podcasts - Making podcasts profitable.

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Paul Jarvis
If anyone knows about sponsorships and podcasts, it's Jason Zook!
Adam Clark
As someone interested in podcasting, I love seeing people make these kinds of things. And if anyone has the proven track record to make a course like this, it's Jason.
Mason Wear
Jason is the master of sponsorships. I can only imagine how valuable this course is for those looking for sponsors for their podcast. If you're that person, I would highly recommend listening to what Jason has to say. He's helped my business out exponentially over the years, and I know he can do the same for you.
Jason Zook
@masonhyperion thanks for the kind words Mason! I really appreciate it.
Paul Gambill
Is there anything like this but in the reverse for brands/businesses looking to be matched with podcasts that have the right audience?
Jason Zook
@paulgambill not that I know of Paul. I was contacted by the founder of and they might be trying to tackle that idea.
Jason Zook
Hey PH'ers! Excited to be releasing this project out into the world. While the course is called "How To Get Sponsorships For Podcasts" I'm diving into a bunch of other ways people can make money with their podcasts as well. I've been fortunate to be interviewed by some successful podcasters and I'm going to turn the tables on them and grill them with a bunch of questions about their processes, lessons learned, and things other podcasters can apply to their shows. Looking forward to meeting all the pre-launch students who grab a spot before June 1! Any questions about the course, feel free to ask :)