Niv Dror

Just Open & Type (JOT) - A fast journal app for those spontaneous thoughts and ideas


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Pedro Wunderlich
Thanks Niv for the hunt! 🙌 JOT is a passion project. A simple journal app that does one thing well: opens up instantly with the keyboard at the ready so you can write down spontaneous thoughts and ideas. I'm an avid journal user, having logged more than 1,000 posts on my Day One. But when one the go, interesting ideas creep into my head that I want to quickly write down. JOT does away with the "new post" button, and has almost zero load time. Just open up and get writing. JOT is free on iOS. I'm building JOT in the open, I need you guys to help me decide what features to build next. If all goes well, I'll bring this to android and a Mac app as well. IDEAS: - Search - Categories - Multiple journals - Image posts (any one use this?) - Video posts - Better editing tools - Customization (color, font) - Share to other mediums - Landscape mode I'm also adding a way to back up your data, but not yet decided on how. I take privacy very seriously, so am not rushing to implement this. My initial hunch is iCloud sync, but not yet decided.
Pierre-Marie Galite
@pddro I like the app, it's basic, like the k.i.s.s method. I find myself using Google Keep more and more, so it's an app I can see myself use. Search would be a great addition, Categories... I would think topics, by the use of # or something as simple as your app. Synchronization between devices too :). For the rest, I don't know, I don't like it, but I'm just one guy haha. Cheers
Michael Tomko
@pddro This is really cool, and something I had been thinking a lot about needing a solution for lately. The only things that I really feel that it needs are search and export to text/Markdown. The other items on your list are cool for text editors, but simplicity is really beautiful here.
Pedro Wunderlich
@tsunaze Thanks for the feedback Pierre.
Pedro Wunderlich
@michaeltomko Glad that you see that simplicity (and speed!) are what I'm going for here. Search is on its way 🙌
@pddro wouldn't make this effectively the same thing as SimpleNote or DayOne?
Niv Dror
Love the simplicity of "Just Open & Type App" — particularly having it in the name. 💫
Reinald Freling
I really like the concept, even though the note taking app market is getting crowded. One quick feedback after using it briefly: Delete a word and Post are too close together. I posted a note when all I wanted was delete a word. Maybe putting all 4 buttons on the same line (Move cursor left, Delete word, Move cursor right, Post) might solve this issue. And typing passcode is tedious (small number grid). Maybe add Touch ID? Apart from that, great execution!
Reinald Freling
and no way to delete notes? swipe left to delete could be useful.
Pedro Wunderlich
@rfreling I personally experienced the fumble of tapping on post when I wanted to delete. Was curious if other would too. I'll definitely work on this layout. Touch ID is on the list. Appreciate the time you took to share your feedback!!
Pedro Wunderlich
@rfreling Good and simple. Noted.
Anthony Stylianou
Really like the app. Also never been asked to enter a password 3 times before :) I did find it difficult trying to find the app in the Appstore when typing JOT. I literally had to search for 'Just Open & Type'. In terms of what features to include: - Categories for sure. - Share easily with other channels. - fingerprint ID rather than the 4 digit password. - Option to share a journal entry with a friend. I know the idea behind a journal is to keep it private/personal, but could see value in sharing thoughts/ideas with others in 1 place. - Website interface for JOT. OR ability to import content from another source (i.e. notes, word doc, medium etc).
Pedro Wunderlich
@anthony_stylianou Glad you liked it. Thanks for bringing up the issue appstore optimization. Still kind of a black box for many on how exactly one reaches the top of searches. Also, the list of features are great. A method to bring content for other sources is a good idea. Thanks for sharing!
Valeriy Vysotskiy
Good product, but when it will be able for Android?
Pedro Wunderlich
@stimes Looking to make mistakes and learn just on one platform rather than make mistakes on two. I still have a few features I want to test out, gather feedback.
Elie Teyssedou
Can't wait to see JOT on android !
Ryan Hoover
Reminds me of @thetylerhayes' simple reminder app: Slapshot!
Pedro Wunderlich
@rrhoover @thetylerhayes Oh nice! Very clever idea.
Tyler Hayes
@rrhoover still the Simplest App on the App Store!
Graham Gnall
Love the simplicity and there's a clear need: I find myself using the OneNote badge and Evernote quick note widgets (android) for this purpose. If this is the "conception and capture" phase, it will need ability to export to other destinations for fleshing out or turning into something.
Pedro Wunderlich
@ggnall Lots of people needing the ability to export. Considering moving this higher up in priority. Thanks for the feedback!!
Majid Almatiree
@pddro How I can edit or delete my post ?
Pedro Wunderlich
@majidcs Delete and strikethrough coming on next update. No edit yet...
Mohammed Erraysy
I like how simple and neat this thing is, exactly what I'd use for my quick notes, but does it have a search engine, imagine tons of notes, how can we filter them ? Thanks and keep on hacking.
Pedro Wunderlich
@merraysy Thanks for for the feedback! Search is next on the list. Wasn't a priority for launch as people don't have many entries yet.
Tommy Nicholas
Love this! Built for the web for this purpose and have wanted something for iOS to get me the same.
Pedro Wunderlich
@tommyrva Awesome! Blankslate looks great, congrats!
Tommy Nicholas
@stoweboyd I (honestly) had no idea it worked at all on iOS! Maybe I'll bookmark it on my homescreen and try using it.
Nice product. Like the simplicity. Now I can keep my clothes washer paper free.
Pedro Wunderlich
@liquidchickenqq Glad you liked it!
Tim Bremer
Awesome, I love how simple yet elegant it is! Can't wait for the Android version ;)
Juan Ramirez
This is awesome! I really like the idea. Android version coming soon??
Rahul Kapoor
this is great! i always wanted to jot down those quotes in movies quickly and now i can.
Cole Schiffer
Like this, excited to try it out
Pedro Wunderlich
@crumbdaddy Glad to hear, looking forward to your feedback.
Naveed Hedayati
This. Is. Awesome. Great job creating something we all didn't know we're in dire need of.
Pedro Wunderlich
@naveedh Hey Naveed, thanks for the awesome comments!
Alberto Sheinfeld
Really good product! Keep it up! Just found a bug you should know about. I was typing a note while in a meeting, but then my phone went to sleep. When I woke it up again to continue typing, all the text disappeared and I was left with a blank note :(. Cheers!
Pedro Wunderlich
@asheinfeld "It's not a bug, it's a feature!" So privacy is very important to me. If you have a written note that's not posted into your journal, there's a risk someone would open your JOT and read it. Getting rid of it is part of my goal with absolute privacy. Thanks for letting me know that you found this to be a bug. I'll likely make this an option in a settings area somewhere. Thanks for the comment and feedback!
Matt Hoffman
Thought about a product like this a lot -- I love how it enables you to write down small thoughts. I think some sort of tags could be great (maybe even suggested tags based on the content in the post to make it super simple to categorize). Also, maybe a schedule later where you could have the note pop up a notification in the future if you need to finish it or need reminded of something. Along the lines of simplicity, it could be a default time, like 24 hours, so that you could schedule it in one tap.
Pedro Wunderlich
@muuhoffman Thanks for sharing some ideas Matt, very good insight. I like that you stay in line with our goal of keeping it fast, lean and simple. I've noted your ideas.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
To put it simply, this is what the standard in journaling apps should be -- as far as the type-straight-into-secrecy functionality goes. So nicely done and well thought. I wish nothing but the best of luck to you guys.
Pedro Wunderlich
@san_picciarelli Thank you so much, glad you got what we're aiming at!!