Dave Stewart

The Great Suspender Recovery Tool - Recover your lost Great Suspender tabs

This extension attempts to recover your suspended Great Suspender tabs by searching your browser history and displaying any found suspended tabs.
You can then:
- adjust grouping, sorting and detail
- save as folders and bookmarks
- copy data to the clipboard

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Dave Stewart
Last night at about 9pm Chrome decided to nuke The Great Suspender. Luckily for me it's not something I use, but Twitter started to go crazy with reports of people losing tabs and weeks or months of work. However, being an extension developer I realised pretty quickly I could build something to at least restore tabs from History, so I set to work. By 1am I had a POC, by 4am I had it bookmarking, and by 6am it was ready to go live. Between the hours of 6 and 8am I got trigger happy on Twitter, and now it's 8am I'm releasing just after 12am Pacific time! Hopefully it will be a slightly less stressful day for those of you who've lost your tabs, and I'll wake up to see a few upvotes at least :D Night night x
Aaron O'Leary
@dave_stewart This is a brilliant origin story for a product lol. Quick turn around!
It's looking for manifest file. https://github.com/davestewart/g...
Dave Stewart
@menjilx load the code folder not the root folder! I may move the manifest to the root just to make it easier for people...
Dave Stewart
@menjilx though saying that, it won't matter when the extension passes review in the web store
Muhammad Vaid
Thanks, this is a real lifesaver!
Alex Kennedy
@dave_stewart to the rescue! @aaronoleary is right this is a great origin story.
Max Prilutskiy
Sounds great! 💯
Aaron D
Thank you for this! And thank you so much for such your quick work to make a good user experience in addition to the actual functionality. I do find it a little weird though how much you're using this as an opportunity to push control space. Do you have some involvement in that effort? Are you also the creator for that product? Well... let me be clear. I don't think it's weird to plug your work and capitalize off of the failure of the great suspender. But I do think it's a little weird (if you are the creator) how you wouldn't vocalize that. It seems weird why else you'd be pushing it this much in both the github and the product itself (it's the first thing you see)
Aaron D
Also I've tried signing up for early access and then I didn't get an email so I tried later on and it said there was a network error. I'm assuming too many people are signing up at once?
Dave Stewart
Hey @aaron_d, thanks for the kind words and also the comments! So, yes, CS is mine, but unfortunately not ready for release just yet, much to my chagrin. It would have been amazing to be able to promote it as a viable alternative, but it's still in Early Access, and lots of things like the website, docs, etc simply aren't ready so it I had to make the choice of "what do I say about this product?". Also, was the choice of the UX. How do I link to CS? I tried a bunch of options: smaller banner in the page (might not get clicked), open page on load / exit (was horrible), take an email address (ouch, feels spammy), etc. There were probably other options, and thinking about it now, perhaps I could have done something after the user clicked "Bookmark Tabs", but remember - it was 1am at this point, and was coming up to 5am by the time the bookmarking was in! Anyway, probably more I could say on the overall process, but I think you had an interesting point to make. How would you have done it? Just as simply as using the first rather than third person?
Dave Stewart
@aaron_d I wish! Signups were extremely modest :) Definitely room for improvement there! The form seems to be working for me. Do you want to try again or drop me a line on twitter and I can add you?
Dave Stewart
Hey @aaron_d - I've updated the popover! It's now smaller, unintrusive, and sits in the corner until clicked on. Then, when it pops over the main UI, it gives a bit more information about me, the extension, and what happens when you click on the CTA. Thanks again for the feedback!
Vincent Poy
Thanks for The Great Suspender Recovery Tool. I left my machine idle last night and sometime within the last 24 hours, Google disabled and blocked The Great Suspender plug-in. While most URL's work, there is a issue with some of the URL's as shown in the image below: https://imgur.com/a/jzQlfm3 which basically for the copied link would be as shown as the image shown below as the pasted text did not all show up: https://imgur.com/a/m9xYLvx The copied link data can also be found here: https://ghostbin.co/paste/jqor7k In this case, one would have to paste it into a text editor and then search for {"url": as the URL is shown as: {"url":"https://rog.asus.com/forum/showt..." Can the tool be updated so the link would show up as: https://rog.asus.com/forum/showt... Basically removing the {"url":" at the beginning and the " at the end.