Mike Williams (Yoroomie)

Marketplace Knowledge Hub - A collection of the best resources for marketplace startups

A curated collection of 300+ resources for learning about marketplace startups. We've curated the best blog posts, podcasts, videos, & other content for learning about building, operating, & scaling marketplace startups.

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Mike Williams (Yoroomie)
Yo Product Hunt! 👋 I’m excited to launch a free resource today that I created for marketplace founders. The Marketplace Knowledge Hub is a curated collection of 300+ of the best content & resources for learning about marketplace startups. I curated some of the best blog posts, podcasts, videos, & other content about marketplace startups that I could find. Whether you’re looking to initially learn about building, launching, operating, or even scaling a marketplace, you’ll now be able to easily find some of the best resources about it all in one place. If I left out any content you think I should include, please comment below so that I can add it. Hope you find this a helpful resource!
Adrianne Stone, PhD
Mike has curated an amazing resource for marketplace owners and operators. The interviews and deep dives with marketplace leaders is super valuable and there is such a wealth of knowledge for people from those building their own marketplace for the first time to seasoned pros looking to scale up.
Mike Williams (Yoroomie)
@adrianne_stone glad you've found it helpful! I appreciate you being such an awesome EM member & your support.
Marcel Fairbairn
Looks good so far. I find value in your linked in posts, and look forward to seeing what comes of this new space. Although I am a dinosaur, and built a marketplace before it was ever cool... I am still learning sooooo much. Thanks!!!