Simplify the hardest part of Twitter growth
Twitter Growth Dashboard — Solve the Twitter mystery and supercharge your growth
A Notion Dashboard designed to help you through your Twitter journey: going from 0-to 100,000 followers.
IKKE DEN RIGTIGE FIRST COMMENT. DET HER ER FRA 0-1000 TWITTER FOLLOWERS - TÆNKTE DU VILLE GÅ UD FRA DEN. Hey Product Hunters! 👋 I'm super excited to share this with you today. If you've been struggling to grow on Twitter, this is for you. In the past 10 months I've grown from 0 to 18,000 followers teaching myself everything by learning and doing. The first 1000 followers was the hardest part of the journey. So I made a guide to help you supercharge your Twitter growth and learn all the mechanics for yourself. WHAT IS IT?👀 This is a Notion Dashboard filled with all the learnings I had going from 0-to 1,000 followers. I made this because it's what I wish I had when I first started my journey. The dashboard have helped 100's of people grow exponentially already, some even reaching more than 10,000+ followers as of today. WHAT'S INCLUDED?👀 - Profile, bio & picture setup - Content creation & ideation - Engaging & socializing - Twitter Mindset 101 - Twitter Automation - Increasing content quality - Expanding social network - The Twitter Algorithm - Best Twitter formats - Twitter Threads IS THERE MORE? 👀 +50 Curated Twitter Resources +30 Day Twitter Plan +Twitter Growth Checklist +Top 9 Tweets Swipe File I'll be online the entire day. I'm looking forward to any questions or queries you might have. Pascio