Marek Růžička

The Life Deck - Step out of your comfort zone with 151 challenging tasks

Play a card and accomplish the given task as soon as possible.
Do not take any other card until you have accomplished the task on the previous one.
Each task is given a point value, starting with the easiest and finishing with the most difficult to achieve.

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Igor Lanko
That's awesome! Have you considered making an app for that? Say, an app that would give you the task once a day/week? An app could have unlimited tasks, randomized for each user too. Plus it can have some interaction with social media like "Look at what Life Deck is making me do this week!".
Marek Růžička
@igorlanko Hello Igor, 👋🏾 Thank you for reaching out to us. It's a really great idea. 🔝 We are quite sure we will implement this in the future. However for a genuine start, we wanted to offer a product from the best materials that you can touch and feel. 🔥 It might be beneficial as well during this time, when literally everything is online. Even beer with friends. 🍻 Best Wishes, Mark&Oscar
Igor Lanko
@mark_ruzicka, I hear you! Definitely a physical product is always better, since you can actually feel it. Whilst apps are all the same through touch on the glass. Best of luck!
Ben Stokes (Tiny Projects💡)
This looks brilliant!
Ben Stokes (Tiny Projects💡)
@tinyprojects Is shipping guaranteed 2-7 days to the UK with GLS? I'm moving about but very keen to order :)
Marek Růžička
@tinyprojects Hello Ben, 👋🏽 Yes, it is guaranteed 🙂 Currently you can also use our offer for a free shipping. Enjoy and have fun. 🧡 Mark&Oscar
Marek Růžička
Hi Product Hunt! 👋🏽 When we started this company, we had no idea what the year 2020 would look like. 🤔 We wanted to help people to be more happy and successful. Help them to discover their inner desires, break through the comfort zone and to discover new things. 🙏 But then.. Pandemic, lockdowns, breaking down of World economics and small businesses. ❌ What the hell. We kept a hard working attitude and one week ago, finally launched our first product. A tough card game with 151 real life tasks that will change you forever. 🔥 And then it hit us. We realised the year 2020 will be the best year ever! Why? We went through hell, but we got time. Time to think about ourselves, to restart our lives and most importantly to set new fresh challenges. 💪 And this is exactly what this product can do. 😎 Enjoy and have courage. Mark&Oscar
Jake Tital
Cool idea for a card game. How hard are the tasks on the card?
Marek Růžička
@jaketital Hello Jake, 👋🏽 The task difficulty varies from 1 point to 6 points. Plus one final task for 75 points. From our experience the difficulty depends on each person individually. Some friends told us it's ok, some that it's hard. 🧐 👉 We have 6 cards shown on the web, just scroll down on the page: 🔥 However the aim of the game is to be hard. That's why we have 6 categories (Education, Well-Being for body, Communications, Myself for mind, Action and Easy start) so everybody will find something challenging. So for example athletes will have easy Well-Being category, but much harder Communication etc. Best regards, Mark&Oscar
Moritz Wobith
I really like the idea! Is it a game for friends or just for me and myself?
Marek Růžička
@mwobith Hello Moritz, 👋🏽 you can do both! 🔥 You can walk this journey alone or you can make challenges with your friends or coworkers. Every task has a certain amount of points. Total available to achieve is 600 points. Who from your group can achieve more in one year? 💪 Best regards, Mark&Oscar
Moritz Wobith
@mark_ruzicka Ahhhh okay! Now I understand! Out of curiosity: Would you be so kind and name an example of a question? 😊
Marek Růžička
@mwobith 👉 We have 6 cards shown on the web, just scroll down on the page: Or you can see some example on our Instagram 😊
Nane Beglaryan
Great idea!
Marek Růžička
@nane_beglaryan Helloo Nane, 👋🏽 that is really great to hear. Thank you for your support. 🧡 Best regards, Mark&Oscar
Alexander Nevedovsky
Hey! We have an app that would be perfect for your actions. Are you interested in a collaboration? Email me at an at Here's the link for you:
Marek Růžička
@alexander_nevedovsky Hello Alexandr, 👋🏽 great app, we like it a lot. Let's connect via email. Best regards, Mark&Oscar