Andrew Ettinger

The Tim Ferriss Show - Edward Norton - Mastery, must-read books, and the future of crowdfunding

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Alex Carter
Everything about this episode looks amazing. I can't wait to listen. Here's what @tferriss wrote on his blog about the episode:
Josh Aronoff
I was just listening to this this morning... it made me want to live near a coast, so that I could take up surfing on a regular basis.
My User
@tferriss Great episode. I didn't release Edward Norton was involved in the Startup and Crowdfunding scene.
Steph Garrett
Another great interview @tferriss. Really struck by how @EdwardNorton describes surfing as an effective tool to tempering addiction.
August Noble
Great podcast. I'm a big fan of @EdwardNorton's work and really overall demeanor as a human being. Enjoyed when they talked about how these new platforms like Crowdrise are giving us the capability to harness "micro-movements" that don't even impact the quality of someone's life. Such as a small $25 dollar donation, that collectively in a large group makes a huge impact. Thought Ed brought up a great point about how @tferriss or Tony Robbins could have easily just put up the 80k for Tim's psilocybin study, but raising the money as a community creates momentum that will have a larger, and longer lasting impact.
Erik van Mechelen
Edward Norton gave deliberate, well-thought out responses to good questions from Tim. Norton is well-read and well-experienced. 😊🏄🎥