Waldo Broodryk

You can make a difference: Vote! - Give voice to social justice issues w/out writing any code!

A cloneable Webflow site made to help you raise awareness about social issues and encourage people to vote. Make it easy for your community and followers to contact their elected officials and make a difference.

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Waldo Broodryk
You can make a difference: Vote! is a product brought to you by some of the kindest and most thoughtful humans around. Ben, Matt and Lacey are constantly working on ways to bring NoCode development resources to the masses. In this release, they've built a fully clonable Webflow site that encourages people to vote. It also provides a way for you to make it easy for your community to reach out and contact their current representatives about important issues. All of these features are built on Webflow's CMS and uses Pro Publica's Congress API to populate all the relevant info. Documentation is available at: https://you-can-make-a-differenc...
Ben Parker
@waldobroodryk Thanks so much for hunting this, Waldo!! Really appreciate all the kind words and hope people find it helpful!!
Parker Thompson
This is a really awesome project and I love the way you approach solutions like this! As always, the design is incredible, and it looks like you've thought of everything. Really awesome job!!
Ben Parker
@parker_thompson3 Thanks so much for the kind words, Parker! I super appreciate it! 😁
Awesome initiative! Love the connection with the ProPublica API. @rileyrichter I have a stupid question: how does one clone a Parabola flow?
Ben Parker
@ubervero If you select all the modules on the Parabola canvas (you'll want to make sure you've unauthorized all apps and removed any API keys), you can hit CTRL/CMD + C and you'll get a code. See the documentation page for this site for mine! Then people can create new flows, CTRL/CMD + V on the canvas and the flow will appear. Then they just authorize the apps and add in their own keys and they have your Parabola flow!